Petition for adopting measures to remove the Chippewa Indian tribes from the areas of white settlement in Crawford County



p. 1

p. 1

Petition of the inhabitants of Black River Crawford County in Refference to the Removal of the Chippeway Indians Alice Willard (?) Diek (?)

Last edit 9 months ago by lutholtz
p. 2

p. 2

To the Honorable the Senate and Assembly of the State of Wisconsin in Legislature assembled, The Petition of the Subscribers, residents of the community of Black River in County of Crawford, respectfully sheweth (?) - That the settlers in said community are much annoyed by bands of Chippewa Indians who remain anually about three months (from about the middle of November to the middle of February) on Black River, and sometimes break into and rob the unguarded houses of Provisions, cooking utensils, implements of industry, etc and when opportunity presents, carry off the productions of the fields; frequently enter the houses of families while intoxicated and seriously frighten the women and children they contain, thereby rendering the residence of families in the county exceedingly unpleasant, consequently greatly retarding the occupation by permanent settlers, of the land now offered for sale by Government. Therefore, your Petitioners earnestly solicit your Honorable bodies, if compatible with existing treaty with said Indians, to adopt measures to effect their speedy removal. And your Petitioners will ever pray etc.

Names Robert Rop John Mirague Lews L. Fisher [illegible] Dill [illegible] Dill Anderson Noyt Edward Dewey Thomas Perry Isaac I. Fraser Martin Vanduser Elijah Eaten B.F. Newton NW Lyny E.L. Woodard M Park H Conn CH Steele Jacob G.I Mathias [illegible] D.R. Hall

Last edit 9 months ago by lutholtz
p. 3

p. 3

A.N. Bedwell Henry W. Kinney Henry Pennick Timothy Wood E. Hunt Wellington Curtis R Butler W Lear John Adams Esqr SW Buddy R.R. Wood C.P. Hings Hiram Yentman William Gellinger Robert Douglas David Douglas Wm Douglas W.J. Gibson HL Links R.P. Wright David Robinson JP Chase Armon King Alma Cook Mark Douglas Michel [illegible] Michel Ulmer H.B. Kirkhoff John Perry A O'Neill John Loomis George D. Villis Samuel Ferguson Charles M Wilson Leander Reyon John Whitmore Philip Marry Luther Wilson E Dickie John Gabintine George Wilson Andrew Harding WH Wright Albert B Coffin Milton Moore ID Spaulding Wm [illegible] L VanFrees A Shopper GW Robinson Joel H Smith James M Garrett W.S. Marshall

Last edit 9 months ago by lutholtz
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