p. 1
David Gelman Oscar W Bigalow John Barr Charles Edgerton
Mem. No. 69a
A Petition from 67 ladies & gentlemen of the Towns of Lincoln & Tomah - Monroe Co. asking that this Legislature provide for the better enforcement of the Law against selling or giving intoxicating Liquors to Indians.
by Mr. Morrow
7/2 Int. by Mr. Morrow T&C. org. 6/3 Rep. back with no [illegible] ref. to Jud. Com. [illegible] 13/3 Rep. back with rec. to lie on the table
7/2 T&C org
p. 2
To the Legislature of the State of Wisconsin:
We, the undersigned inhabitants of the state of Wisconsin, respectfully represent to your honorable body that there is great difficulty in executing the law against selling and giving any intoxicating liquors to the Indians of this state, and that the principle difficulty in enforcing such law arises from the great difficulty of making the proof of the violation of such laws, and we would therefore petition your honorable body that a law be passed authorizing and and directing the sheriff or any constable of any county, or any Indian superintendent or agent, to arrest any Indian who may be intoxicated or under the influence of any intoxicating liquors, while such Indian is so intoxicated, or thereafter, and bring him before any justice of the peace or circuit court authorized by law to prosecute for violations of said law to be kept by such court or justice of the peace, in close confinement -- in the county jail or elsewhere until he shall become sober and competent to testify against the person who may have furnished such Indian any such liquors there to be taken before such justice or court and compelled to testify in any complaint for the violation of such law aforesaid.
Dated at the town of Lincoln, Monroe Co. Jan. 1st 1862