Petition of S.D. Carpenter, the state printer, for notifying the legislature of his inability to complete the contract



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Mem No 1S

Mem of S.D. Carpenter Stell printer 1/15 Int by prest Sen Read and ref to select com Sens Rick and App on part of Sen F.M. Stewart Ch. Cl. Sen.

15/1 Reed for Sen.

Last edit about 1 month ago by lutholtz
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To the Honorable, The Legislature

The undersigned takes this early method to acquaint your Honorable bodies, that by contract and assignment he is public printer to the State for the succeeding two years, and that without some prompt action on the part of the Legislature, he finds himself by circumstances beyond the control of any man, utterly incapable of accomplishing the work, and the following among others, are the reasons.

When the bid was submitted, the undersigned held a written contract for paper at one cent a pound cheaper than it had been for the last fifteen years, notwithstanding the War, and War's prices had ruled for over twenty months. On this and other figures agreed upon for binding &c the bid was submitted at such rates as it was believed would barely cover cost. No expert will say there was much margin at the lowest figures for paper, and other materials for profits. But make or lose, the bid as submitted under the then ruling prices would have been strictly complied with without a murmur, but immediately after the contract was entered into, by a series of speculative combinations, paper, and all kinds of materials used in our business suddenly arose Seventy five to nearly One hundred and fifty per cent -- averaging perhaps one hundred per cent advance.

Under such circumstances, the contractor for the paper on the work has notified me that to comply with his contract would bring certain ruin on him, and that he cannot do it. Binders and other materials have also risen much above the prices contracted for, and under the circumstances -- whether willing, or unwilling -- it will be impossible for me to go on with the work, unless the Legislature shall consent to make good the difference between the prices of

Last edit about 1 month ago by lutholtz
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paper and other materials when the bid was Submitted, and the time when such materials must necessarily be purchased. I ask nothing -- I demand nothing -- perhaps I have no right to do either, I Simply present the facts to the Legislature, and if it be thought proper to appoint a committee to investigate these allegations, with a view to ascertain whether they are true, and whether if true, I was guilty of foolhardiness in being guided by the prices that have ruled for the past 15 years, I shall be happy to furnish such committee with any information within my power; and if the Legislature in its judgment shall deem it just and proper to authorize the Secretary of State to pay -- not to me --- but to those who furnish paper and materials, such difference as may be found to exist between the present ruling prices and those that governed at the time of submitting the bid, I shall be enabled to proceed with, and complete the work, in a manner I trust as acceptable as I have ever done it.

All of which is most Respectfully submitted

Stephen D Carpenter

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