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3 Petition of Seth H. Marquisee, praying for a divorce from his wife. Sheldon Referred to the committee on the judiciary: [Jan'y?] 31st:
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To the honorable the Legislature of the Territory of Wisconsin. (Your petitioner, Seth H. Marquissee of the town of Burlington in the County of Racine and territory of Wisconsin, respectfully sheweth to your honorable body, that he was married to Lucinda Marquissee on the 15th day of November 1843. and lived with her about three months thereafter without any material disagreement. that on our about the 15th day of April 1844 your petitioner was taken dangerously sick, and his life was despaired of by many of his friends. That at all times between the time of the said marriage and the time of his said sickness, your petitioner was treated and used his said wife kindly and affectionately, and had done and provided all things necessary on his part for her comfort and happiness, and had always conducted himself honorably and properly with respect to her as his wife and was, in all respects worthy of her kindness and attention, yet-notwithstanding, the said Lucinda, wholly disregarding her duties and reasonable obligations, utterly refused and neglected to give her attention and care to your petitioner during his said sickness, and on our about the 3d day of June following, while your petitioner was still sick as aforesaid, entirely left your petitioner, and has ever since continued to reside separate and apart from him, and has hitherto wholly refused and still does refuse to live with your petitioner
And your petitioner further sets forth, that he has resided in this territory two years last past, that he has had no children by his said wife, that he feels confident and certain that his said wife has no respect or affection for him, and that there is no reasonable hope or prospect that he and his said wife can ever be reconciled so as to live with each other.
Your petitioner therefore prays your honorable body, to annul the said marriage, and your petitioner will ever pray it.
Seth, H. Marquissee AttestCP Barnes Notary Public
Racine County Wisconsin Territory SS On this the 25th day of January AD 1845 before me the undersigned a Notary Public in and for said County, came Seth H. Marquissee to me known to be the person who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he signed the same freely and voluntarily CP Barnes N.P.