Remonstrance against incorporating the town of Buena Vista



p. 1

p. 1

A Remonstrance of John B. Page of St. Croix County against the incorporation of the town of Buena Vista.

Last edit 6 months ago by EricRoscoe
p. 2

p. 2

To the Honourable Senate and House of Assembly of the State of Wisconsin in Legislature assembled-

I, John B. Page, a resident of the County of Saint Croix, in State of Wisconsin, being informed that a petition has been addressed to your Honorable Bodies praying for the incorporation of the town of "Buena Vista" on te south side of Willow River, in said county of Saint Croix, do hereby respectfully remonstrate against the passage of any act incorporating said town--And for reasons of this my remonstrance, I, the said John B. Page respectfully represent, that I am the owner of a large proportion of the land and real estate included within the limits of the proposed town of Buena Vista--The incorporating of my said lands into said town, would make me liable to great expense, which I am unwilling to incur, and to which I have never given my consent-

Jany 31st, 1849.

P.S. In the block on the map of the plot [illegible] of [barick?] [terrace?] is Brenteoneck; he has not an inch land on the plot I have the only deed ever given. I obtained it from Louis Massys & duplicate it was accnowledge before the above named Gentlemen with his petitions-

J.B. Page

Yours Most Resp Willow River Jan 31st St. Wis.

Last edit 6 months ago by EricRoscoe
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