Remonstrance against seeking to confirm title on lands that remonstrants have settled on and improved


Remonstrance against seeking to confirm title on lands that remonstrants have settled on and improved


Access Rights: For more information, please contact

State/Territory: Wisconsin Territory

Community: Milwaukee

Date: 1840

Description: Petitioners argue against another petition that seeks to confirm titles on land settled and improved upon by remonstrants.

Publisher-Electronic: Wisconsin Historical Society

Digital Format: XML

Digital Identifier: Ser180.022007

Language: English

Original Title: Remonstrance of inhabitants of Milwaukie County

Publication Date-Electronic: 2020

County: Milwaukee

Rights Statement: No Copyright - United States. Item is in the Public Domain under the laws of the United States.

Rights URI:

Source: Petitions, remonstrances, and resolutions, 1836-1997, 2009

Subject: land ownership; land settlement

Title/Page: Remonstrance against seeking to confirm title on lands that remonstrants have settled on and improved

Genre: citizen petition; legal document

Repository: Wisconsin Historical Society Online Collections

Source: From: Remonstrance against seeking to confirm title on lands that remonstrants have settled on and improved

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