heart has always leaned toward the
two women I first [word unclear] in Milwaukee--
Madam Anneke & Dr. Laura Ross---
yes--& the dear Lillie Peckham---
I shall be happy to meet with your
Party of Equal Rights for Women---
But if it can reach me in time
should prefer the time to be Saturday
evening---I cannot tell when
it can get to me---so must have you
to learn from Mr. Slayton---122 LaSalle St.
Chicago--Ill--he is my agent--& can
tell you where I am to go from to [?]--,
when I can go---
I am so happy to learn that you
are able to be at your great & good
work for humanity again---& I hope you
may long live to bless & and be blessed---
with best love to Dr. Ross, dear [?]
& all her friends--beside ever and ever so much to
your own dear self---I am
sincerely yours
Susan B. Anthony
[The right side of the page is all printed text. I have not attempted to keep the formatting but since it might be interesting to someone to have all the names, here it is]
of the
National Woman Suffrage Association
Article 1---This organization shall be called the National Woman Suffrage Association.
Article 2--The object of this Association shall be to secure National protection for women citizens in the exercise of their right to vote.
Article 3--All citizens of the United States subscribing to this Constitution, and contributing not less than one dollar annually, shall be considered members of the Association, with the right to participate in its deliberations.
Article 4--the officers of this Association shall be a President, a Vice President from each of the States and Territories, Corresponding and Recording Secretaries, a Treasurer, an Executive Committee of not less than five, and an Advisory Committee consisting of one person from each State and Territory.
Article 5--All Woman Suffrage Societies throughout the country shall be welcomed as auxiliaries and their accredited officers or duly appointed representatives shall be recognized as members of the National Association.
Officers of the N.W.S.A. for 1877 and '78.
Clemence S. Lozier, M.D. 238 West Fourteenth Street, New York.
[note: in original left column is Vice President and right column is Advisory Committee. for spacing purposes I have stacked these columns]
Vice Presidents:
Lucretia Mott, Philadelphia, Pa.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Tenafly, N.J.
Clarina I. H. Nichols, Pomo, Cal.
Amy Post, Rochester, N.Y.
Mathilde Franceske Anneke, Milwaukee, Wis.
Amelia Bloomer, Council Bluffs, Ia.
Virginia L. Minor, St. Louis, Mo.
Emily Robinson, Salem, Ohio.
Julia and Abby Smith, Glastonbury, Ct.
Catharine C. Knowles, East Greenwich, R.I.
Annie C. Cheney, Chelsea, Mass.
Mary Powers Filley, North Haverill, N.H.
Lucy A. Snowe, Rockland, Me.
Sarah M. Lynde, Guilford Centre, Vt.
Olivia B. Hall, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Mary H. Williams, Fort Wayne, Ind.
Sarah Hackett Stevenson, M.D., Chicago, Ill.
Sarah Burger Stearns, Duluth, Minn.
Helen M. Starrett, Lawrence, Kan.
Julia Brown Bemis, Omaha, Neb.
Alida C. Avery, M.D. Denver, Col.
Hannah H. Clapp, Carson City, Neb.
Harriet A. Loughary, Amity, OR.
Sally Holly, Lottsburg, Va.
Annie L. Quinby, Newport, Ken.
Eliz. Avery Meriwether, Memphis, Tenn.
Mrs. A. B. Swearingen, Claymont. Del.
Lavinia L. Dundore, Baltimore, Md.
Elizabeth Oakes Smith, Hollywood, N.C.
Frances Anne Pillsbury, Charleston, S.C.
Flora McMartin Wright, Pilatka, Fla.
Mr. P. Holmes Drake, Huntsville, Ala.
Annie H. Hamilton, Summit, Miss.
Elizabeth L. Saxon, New Orleans, La.
Mrs. W.P. Oliver, Little Rock, Ark.
Martha Goodwin Tunstall, Crockett, Tex.
Caroline B. Winslow, M.D. Washington, D.C.
Esther Morris, Laramie City, Wy. Ter.
Mary O. Brown, Seattle, Wash. Ter.
Annie Godbe, Salt Lake, Utah Ter.
Advisory Committee:
Ernestine L. Rose, London, Eng.
Sarah Pugh, Germantown, Pa.
Elizabeth B. Schenck, San Francisco, Cal.
Lucinda B. Chandler, Vineland, N.J.
Lavinia Goodell, Janesville, Wis.
Janet Strong, Keosaque, Iowa.
Annie R. Irvine, Oregon, Mo.
Rev. Anna Oliver, South Norwalk, Ct.
Mary F. Channing, Newport, R.I.
Julia B. Hunt, Florence, Mass.
Caroline H. Barr, New Ipswich, N.H.
Ann T. Greeley, Ellsworth, Me.
Lydia Putnam, Brattleboro, Vt.
Helen M. Loder, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Mrs. C. W. Church, Benton Harper, Mich.
Ellen S. Fray, Toledo, Ohio.
Mrs. J. H. Parker, Green Castle, Ind.
Clara Lyons Peters, Watseka, Ill.
Hattie M. White, Kasson, Minn.
Elsie Stewart, Neutral Station, Kan.
E.S. Stilson, Omaha, Neb.
Mary F. Shields, Colorado Springs, Col.
Mary Sweetaple, Silver City, Nev.
Lucinda F. Froebstel, La Grande, Or.
Hannah McQuiston, Richmond, Va.
Elizabeth A. Brown, Kingswood, W. Va.
Elizabeth H. Duvall, Cadiz, Ky.
Narcissa Watson, Columbia, Tenn.
Elizabeth Jackson, Hockessin, Del.
Jane Dubois, Baltimore, Md.
Mary D.P. Taylor, Asheville, N.C.
Martha Schofield, Aiken, S. C.
Abby C. Fisher, Fernandina, Fla.
Agnes Julian, Aurora, Ga.
Mary Pinckard McCarthy, Madison Station, Ala.
Mrs. E. Voorhes, Holly Springs, Miss.
Mary S. Mann, M.D. New Orleans, La.
Mrs L. C. Locke, Dallas, Tex.
Ella Cheney, Uberty, Ark.
Helen R. Holmes, Washington, D. C.
Mary B. Post, Cheyenne, Wy. Ter.
Mrs. A.H.H. Stewart, Olympia, Wash. Ter.
Emeline B. Wells, Salt Lake City, Utah
Corresponding Secretaries.
Isabella Beecher Hooker, Hartford, Ct. Emma Molloy, South Bend, Ind.
Ellen H. Sheldon, Washington, D.C. Mathilde F. Wendt, New York.
Laura DeForce Gordon, Oakland, Cal. Caroline H. Spear, Philadelphia, Pa.
Foreign Corresponding Secretaries:
Laura Curtis Bullard, New York Jane Graham Jones, Chicago, Ill.
Recording Secretary:
Lillie Devereux Blake, 106 East Fifty-fifth Street, New York.
Ellen Clarke Sargent, 1733 De Sales Street, Washington, D.C.
Executive Committee:
Susan B. Anthony, Rochester, N.Y. Mrs. L.C. Smith, Rochester, N.Y.
Matilda Joslyn Gage, Fayetteville, N.Y. M. Adelaide Thomson, Philadelphia, Pa.
Rev. Olympia Brown, Bridgeport, Ct. Harriet Purvis, " "
Elizabeth Boynton Harbert, Evanston, Ill. Belva A. Lockwood, Washington, D.C.
Phoebe W. Couzins, St. Louis, Mo. Annie C. Savery, Des Moines, Iowa.
Sarah Langdon Williams, Toledo, Ohio Susan A. King, New York.
Sarah J. Walllis, Mayfield, Cal. Helen M. Cooke, New York.
Laura Ross Wollcott, M.D., Milwaukee, Wis. Nancy R. Allen, Maquoketa, Ia.
Catherine A.F. Stebbins, Detroit, Mich. Marilla M. Ricker, Dover, N.H.
Abigail Scott Duniway, Portland, Or.
Resident Congressional Committee
Sarah Andrews Spencer, corner 7th and L streets, Washington, D.C.
Ruth C. Denison, Washington, D. C.
Ellen Clarke Sargent, Washington, D. C.
Rosina W. Parnell, " "
Mary Shadd Cary, " "
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