p. 140


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2 revisions
lutholtz at Mar 02, 2021 08:52 PM

p. 140

Small and disappointing as these signs of progress may be, they offer hope that the three chief barriers to better conditions for women will in time be removed.
Like watchfires in the outposts of a great army which notify each camp where the friends are sleeping, individual women have lifted their torch of truth all over India each notifying every other friend of woman's freedom where she stands. The Maharani of Baroda (an important native state) has just published a book called "The Position of Women in India." The contents are not what its teller would indicate, but is instead a summary of what women are doing the in Western world, especially prepared as a message to the...

p. 140

Small and disappointing as these signs of progress may be, they offer hope that the three chief barriers to better conditions for women will in time be removed.
Like watchfires in the outposts of a great army which notify each camp where the friends are sleeping, individual women have lifted their torch of truth all over India each notifying every other friend of woman's freedom where she stands. The Maharani of Baroda (an important native state) has just published a book called "The Position of Women in India." The contents are not what its teller would indicate, but is instead a summary of what women are doing the in Western world, especially prepared as a message to the...