p. 4




Status: Complete

...deformed feet, but the little irls had normal feet. The contract between the boatswomen and the ladies was instruction for the character as well as the feet of the the former had ben allowed to develop and the character of the latter was as small as their poor little pegs. On Tuesday we went shopping, hocked and wer on our boat by 4 pm. The boat was not nice, but it had a good table. There were four passengers, ourselves a Showah priest and a young Englishman. We were a good deal bored but on Thursday the 11th we arrived at about 11 o'clock. We passed the Mareveles at about 6am and the Captain himself came to arouse me. When I stuck my head out of the door to see what was wanted, I found an American health officer. I was asked to come out, so we hastily dressed and reported. I was vaccinated (it didn't work) and by 7:30 we were off having left all our 2nd & 3rd class passengers and taken on those who had been left the week before for small pox is raging in Hong Kong. We had been blissfully unaware that we were in any danger of another quarantine. Had we had a mild suspicion of it only, there might have been two suicides. This is the quarantine station and is named for a poor little nun who ran away with a naughty friar. They found them on the beach and they were each sent away to life long penitence - the man to teach morals and Christianity on a distant isle, the girl to a convent. We passed Cavile and saw the spot...

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