Colby--Series: Correspondence - Brown, Olympia, 1889-1892, 1903-1906, 1910 (Clara Bewick Colby papers, 1860-1957; Wisconsin Historical Society Archives, Box 1, Folder 8)



p. 1

p. 1

Dear Mrs. Colby. If you wish to print the enclosed article on "The Union" in the Tribune do so. If not let me know by a statement on the enclosed postal & I will send the money for the return of manuscript & publish in The Citizen.

Mrs. Perkins says she was present when the national society voted to make The Tribune its organ she thinks this was the year that she went to Texas which is the same year that I first saw you at Washington. I had my son with me & you called on me at DM. Winslow's to see about the return tickets &c now if you know what year that was please see

Last edit 12 months ago by iiCarysj


if that is reported in the Tribune if they so voted it must be in the minutes of the convention.

I know it has been published again & again that the Tribune was the organ of the National & yet they said last winter emphatically that the Tribune had never been voted as the organ

Yours in haste Olympia Brown

P.S. I thought I would suggest to you the employment of Mrs. S. M. C. Perkins as a canvassing agent to raise money for The Tribune, giving her a percentage on what she raises. I do not know that she would do it, but if she would she would raise a good deal of money

Last edit 12 months ago by iiCarysj


Racine, Wis. March 21- 1890

Dear Mrs. Colby, I congratulate you upon the fair way in which you treated Mrs. Gage's compensation. The editorial on the subject in March 15 I thought very good indeed. My paper of March 8 has not come to hand. or at least I have not seen it. I have been gone it may have been destroyed. Please send me another. I enclose a few lines which I hope you will print in your paper I have not generally been successful in getting my communications either into the Tribune or Journal. But I am persevering If you had printed my articles on the work of last year it would have saved the publication of that "Statement of facts" & my article was far milder. Now I hope

Last edit 7 months ago by EricRoscoe


you will publish this reply to the misstatements of the Union Signal. Of course that paper ought to take it back but they wont. now all I can do is to reach as many as possible with my denial. so if you will put it in your paper you will help.

How do you get lithographs of Mrs. Stanton & Miss Anthony? I think you offer them as prizes if you could aid me to get a lithograph of Miss Anthony without very much expense it would be a great favor, and speaking of pictures reminds me that I did not get a chance sign my name to that list of those who joined in presenting the pictures to Mrs. Spafford although you remember I paid my dollar. I should like to be counted in- perhaps I can add my name

Last edit 7 months ago by EricRoscoe


yet if I should ever happen to come to Washington again.

and now one more favor. Mr. Blair was to make a great speech on his educational bill. I suppose he has made it as the bill has been acted upon this speech was to contain an immense amount of statistics so the librarian told me & Charlotte Smith told me she had been a long time employed by him in gathering statistics for it. Now I want that speech. Can you tell in what number of the Congressional Record it can be found? if I knew that I could send for it. any light will be thankfully received.

Olympia Brown

Last edit 9 months ago by carol ann
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