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The National Citizen and Ballot Box, Syracuse, N.Y. Monthly, . . . . $1.00 a Year.
Matilda Joslyn Gage, Editor. Syracuse, N.Y. Sept 10, 1881
Mrs Clara Berwick Colby
Dear Madam
The report of Nebraska work was crowded out of any N.C. but short acct will appear in Sept. I write to ask if you will not act as agent for the National Citizens especially upon your [leaving?] town this fall I will allow you to return twenty five per cent for your trouble which will also [and?] towards
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your expenses. You have many [hand?] and like the column you yourself edit, and a fine Western Journal, but the National Citizen has a different place in the work from these. It keeps people posted upon all Congressional or National action foreign news National Conventions &c &c In addition I propose
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"Truth, Justice and Honor" Association for the Advancement of Women.
President: Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, Newport, R.I. Secretary: Mrs. Kate Gannet Wells, Boston, Mass. Treasurer: Mrs. H.L.T. Wolcott, 5 Park St. Boston, Mass.
Providence, Aug. 23. 81
My Dear Mrs. Colby,
I am now ready to write up my report for the Ass.
You will remember promising to serve on that Committee. I hope you have been able to secure for me some items that will make the report interesting and valuable.
Please send them to undersigned at as early a date as may be