Colby--Series: Correspondence - Suffrage and other activities, 1880-1916 (Clara Bewick Colby papers, 1860-1957; Wisconsin Historical Society Archives, Box 3, Folder 1)
Creator: Colby, Clara Bewick, 1846-1916
Publication Date-Electronic: 2015
Folder Description: Papers, mainly 1860-1916, of Clara Colby, a feminist, founder/editor of the Woman's Tribune, and officer of the Federal Suffrage Association, which document her personal life, her suffrage activities, her work as a lecturer and newspaper editor, and her interest in New Thought. Included are clippings, correspondence, diaries, manuscripts, notes, photographs, printed materials, speeches, and a few records of the Federal Suffrage Association. Prominent correspondents include Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Olympia Brown, Belva Lockwood, Marilla Ricker, Ellen Sabin, and officers of the National American Woman Suffrage Association and other state and international suffrage organizations.
Document Title: Colby--Series: Correspondence - Suffrage and other activities, 1880-1916 (Clara Bewick Colby papers, 1860-1957; Wisconsin Historical Society Archives, Box 3, Folder 1)
Digital Format: XML
Digital Identifier: ColbyB3F1000
Language: English
Publisher-Electronic: Wisconsin Historical Society
Rights: We believe that online reproduction of this material is permitted because its copyright protection has lapsed or because sharing it here for non-profit educational purposes complies with the Fair Use provisions of the U.S. Copyright Law. Teachers and students are generally free to reproduce pages for nonprofit classroom use. For advice about other uses, or if you believe that you possess copyright to some of this material, please contact us at
Source: Clara Bewick Colby papers, 1860-1957; Wisconsin Historical Society Archives, Box 3, Folder 1; WIHV89-A687
Title: Colby--Series: Correspondence - Suffrage and other activities, 1880-1916 (Clara Bewick Colby papers, 1860-1957; Wisconsin Historical Society Archives, Box 3, Folder 1)
Type: Text
Repository: Wisconsin Historical Society Online Collections