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[Letterhead: The National Citizen and Ballot Box, Syracuse, N.Y. Matilda Joslyn Gage Editor] Syracuse, N.Y. 1880.
[Overlapping text; [Mrs...] probably be [ illegible] this season? tax? respectively? upon so have suffered? in this state soon I in the latter part of the winter? over towith? address her at Rochester N.Y.U. Woman's National Lettery? Barron? to 1909 N12th Philadelphia Pa Rachel [Illegible] Marriage? Very truly yours]
Dear Madem;
Your letter of enquiry this moment rec'd. The working Vice Pres of a State, is expected to be the acting State President, and by correspondence, and otherwise in her interest endeavors [?] from local organizations, and to aid in the [summation?] of tracts, appeals, her especial work is to get others at work and for the general management and [comp...] of work in her state, reporting state [...] the same to the Chairmen of the [Illegible] Com upon the first of Jan. will?- every three months thereafter [To?] whom the legislature is in session & hope the Vice Pres. will [that] strive some the [postage?] of a print resolution
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from that body, requesting Congress to submit a XVI amendment securing suffrage to all U.S. Citizens. Methods and manner will suggest themselves to you as you become connected with the work Only general suggestions can be made as the exigencies of each state modifies to some extent, the work in that state. If possible to do so, arrange for a series of conventions in each county seat. Strive to get local papers interested and secure, as far as possible, the publication of articles favoring our reform, either original or copies from the National Citizen and other from ruff papers extracts or arguments Harriet S. Brooks of Omaha, 355 Davenport an old suffrage workers from Illinois. There are other later ones in the same place Kate T. F. Cornell of Alexandria is thoroughly in [?ment] and at Habron as you spoke of, there is an active organization. [I] am hurriedly preparing for a short trip [west?], I may not have sent all you would [?] to know but will answer further letters in the future M J Gage
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Talstoy Gandhi Luey Stone Edwin Markhauve Arne Whitney Sculptors Arnie Besant Annie Jerness Miller Maude Powell Bertha Honors Palmer Emily Braunerd Ryder. M.D. Grace Greenwood Amelia Bloomer Francis Willard Sara A. Spencer Olive Logan Elisabel Ney-Sculptor John Hutchinson (To Miss Anthony) (Great Grandson of Bobby Burns Wm Thomson Secy The Beta Kappa-To CB Colby Ina Coolbrithe Calif PoelMrs. Traveth Shieldon-The great explorer Porick Doh-Korean Ambasor Clara Barlon Reply by So you to party for Premeiers Nainlark? Kinze Hairai John G. Whitter Charlotte Towlee Wells-Publisher Lillian Whitney
Walt Mason T. DeWatt Talmage Wm W. Story (son of Joviet Mark Pomeroy-U.S. Dem.- W.J. Bryan Joral? Janguill Warner Sonard Lurnmore Marella Holley J.H. Crooker Parker Pellswry Lourd? & Mary Praug
p. 1
I believe in Woman Suffrage not so much as an end but as a symptom and symbol of something infinitely greater: because I believe that the demand for political independence springs from woman's recognition of and desire for that social & moral independence which the world has hitherto denied her
Cicely Hamilton
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Association for the Advancement of Women. President: Julia Ward Howe, 241 Beacon Street, Boston.
Secretary: Isabel Howland, Sherwood, N.Y.
Treasurer: H.L.T. Wolcott, Dedham, Mass.
Elizabeth N. Jersey
Dear Mrs. Colby: Probably you have learned that my last paper was somehow thrown into pie, the columns queerly intermixed, etc. etc? What can we do about it? By cutting up a couple of papers, and adding one at least important sentence if you kept the type, I could get in rite good shape and it might be printed again. So it is, no one could get an intelligent idea from it if only I could have had at he proof.
But it is silly to cry for split milk Did you find your pen. Was it a Kind like mine. Mrs. Woods first used yours, I did not notice what kind it was, them she used mine