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North Brookfield, Mass. March 10 - 89.
Dear Mrs. Colby
I have just returned to my work in Worcester county, having made a brief visit to Lucy Stone for consultation. While there, I read two of your letters to Mrs. Stone. I had a letter from her, two weeks ago, in which she said you would like to have some facts about my work in Nebraska. I did so little it seemed hardly worth while to say anything in any history about it. As near as I can remember, I held fifteen meetings in the states mostly on the line of railroad from Lincoln to Kerney Junction. In some places I gave two lectures - Lincoln, Beatrice and Fairmont were among the last named. I presume Mrs. Stone has written you that it is expected that I shall go to Nebraska, about the 15th of May, as the agent of the American
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Woman Suffrage Association.
If I do visit your state, I hope I shall be able to do good work for you.
I am not acquainted with the leaders of the work there, but, have no doubt I can soon become so. I confess that I have a little shrinking feeling on account of the fact that Nebraska women do not want "foreign help." Mrs. Brooks has written to Mrs. Stone that the prejudice against foreign speakers has mostly passed away. I feel that we all owe it to the cause to help you there in this great struggle, and I shall come with the intention to do my best and trust to the kindness of your people to make it as pleasant for me as they can. I am not corresponding with any one there; Mrs. Stone is writing to them about it. It will give me great pleasure to meet you again and to help you all I am able to. Hoping for the success of the cause in Nebraska, I am yours sincerely Margaret H. Campbell.
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P.S. My address will be - Office of the Womans Journal till April 10th. Joliet, Illinois, from April 15th to 25th and after that - East Des Moines, Iowa, I have no knowledge where I shall be in Nebraska, but hope it may be where I can have one good visit with you. M.W.C.
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The Paxton Owned & Conducted by the Kitchen Bros. Hotel Co.
Omaha, Neb July 18, 1889
Clara B. Colby Beatrice, Neb.
I am glad that you are one of our V.P.s. Our League has a great, practical mission to accomplish.
Our nation must take the lead. We should suggest the creation of a World's Tribunal for the adjustment of all international questions. All Europe would clap its hands at such a consummation. We must do it. The Womans Tribune can carry Nebraska.
Yours very truly John R. Neuman
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Private & Confidential (for the present)
Fayetteville, N.Y. Nov 3d 89.
My dear Mrs Colby, If I did not consider you worth saving I should become vexed and write you no more. It is not necessary for me to say whose ambition or whose conservatism has bought the National Assn where it is. Only allow me to remind you, that I have worked very much longer in the suffrage course than yourself, and in the most intimate relations with those whom you so love and respect. But I have never yet allowed my regard for an individual to control my regard for principles. There