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Exhibit A
Feb. 19 1890
Dear Friends and Fellow Workers: It is a grievous disappointment to me not to be with you on this first meeting of our united associations. But an obstinate cold keeps me away.
The time is full of encouragement for us. We look back to our small beginnings, and over the many years of constant endeavor to secure for women the application of the principles which are the foundation of representative government. Now we are a host. Both
p. 2
Houses of Congress, and the legislative bodies in nearly all the States, have our question before them. So has the civilized world. Surely at no distant day the sense of justice which exists in everybody will secure our claim, and we shall at last have a truly representative government, of the people, by the people, and for the people. We may, therefore, rejoicing in what is already gained, look forward with hope to the future.
Cordially yours, Lucy Stone.
p. 1
WORK OF THE LIBERATED of saint-Lazare Reconigsed as of public utility by Decree of 26, January, 1885 - Patronage of Women liberated Temporary shelters for Women and Children - DIRECTOR GENERAL Mrs ISABELLE BOGELOT - SECRETARIAT: 28, place Dauphine, 28 Open every tuesday morning from 9.a.m, to 11am
Le dues tongous onee becuicouys Disterict souree gai le trouve jour votr Journal-Depnei I'heureux tongues gurf as parse and vour las der Congres de Washington-Jour vor noms me foat conneus, N.G. vicree
p. 2
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L salieles Bogelol?
p. 1
Fayetteville N.Y. Mch 10/90
My dear Mrs. Colby,
The Tribune of the 8th just rec'd. Thanks for as much of a report as you have given but in "objects of the organization" you have left out the fifth one Are thus "of woman's inferiority & reason of her originalism, a doctrine which" all the above in quotation marks is omitted in The Tribune.
Perhaps I should not now mention it although it is a very important point - had not omissions been so long my experience in the Tribune.