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I have just discovered this in the New Bedford paper-so that it must have been she who wrote of the [Stately?] Mrs. Fairchild-

Sally, "Do you [illegible] [heid?] Bill new ch"-

Miss Emily J. Bryant

Is Announced for Lectures on the Following Subjects:

I-The Sultan and His City.
II-Rambles in Egypt.
III-Malta as it was, and is.
IV-Woman's Opportunity.
V-The Reform Movement and our Relations to it.
VI-The Present Problem. (New.)

The three first of these lectures are each illustrated by one costume of the country. The four first constitute a very excellent course of lectures, or each one may be used separately.

For terms and dates, address,
Central Lecture Bureau,
Harrisburg, Pa.

She was the [acting?] missionary you remember-

Can you head up on the Waters & I will [action?] after many days in the shape of a newspaper puff

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