


Status: Complete

North Carolina} Inferior Court
Beaufort County} January Term 1880

Be it remembered. That an Inferior Court of
Law was begun and held for the County of
Beaufort at the Court House in Washington
on the 3rd Monday of January, being the 19th
day of January 1880. Present James E. Shep-
herd Chairman, O. H. P. Tankard and W. A.
Thompson Justices who were duly qualifed by
taking the proper oath before Geo. E.
Buckman Clerk of the Superior Court.

Wednesday January 21st 1880.

Criminal Docket

State and}
Waters & Roberts}

No 30 vs}

Frank Hausley}

The defendent comes into
Court and pleads "not
guilty" whereupon the
following named Jurors were sworn and en-
paneled to try the issue -

Robert A Waters
Taylor Hooker B. F. Braddy J. B. Killingsworth
Jno. C. Danniels J. T. Linton Jno. W. Cutler
L. R. Mayo Jas. E. Roberson Shade Sman
Aaron Phillips J R Hodges

who say the defendant

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