Letter from Ilus Fabyan Carter, 10 June 1854 [LE-41473]





Ms 1352 bx6 fd25 #8 [$400]- Putland June 10th 1854

Recd of Elder W. Woodruff. Four Hundred Dollars (Draft for 300$ in Livingston &Co. & cash sent by M. Andrews $100-) to be endorsed in Note [Sanbren] & Center for I. F. C -

Bro. W. - Above I send you rept. for 400$, the draft for 300$ is recd and thinking the balance sent by brother Andrews will be forthcoming I include that in the amount.

I do not hear a [illegible] or word from Herner although I have written both of them particularly

I have no confidence in him at all, he done very wrong in not forwarding the money at once that you sent by him and for his conduct in that, and his great delay and neglect of all his promises since I should advise you to secure it if you possibly can, principle and interest. I dont see that he has any further claims upon your liberality and your duty to yourself and friends require attending to. I think in this case that patience has cursed to[ illegible] virtue.

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Last edit 1 day ago by Barbara Ostler
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Sanborn & Carter recipt for $400. I F Carter June 10

As yet I hear nothing from Dr. Burnhisal. We are all quite well, Father is in [illegible] spending the week, he is very smart. was pleased to hear that father Woodruff continues so smart, think your garden must look very nice under his care. please remember me very kindly to him, our friends at[ illegible] are as well as usual. Ira F.ss wife has another daughter, making four, newly of a size the youngest weighed when born ten pounds She (Mrs. Fss) is very smart. No news of much interest. We in the north are very much opposed to further extention of Slavery and the passage of this late Nebraska Bill. The feeling is intense

Please remember me very kindly to all our friends & excuse this hasty scrall JFC

Last edit 1 day ago by Barbara Ostler
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