Letter from J.S. Parker, 21 August 1893 [LE-41665]



Needs Review


Joseph Aug 21 /93, Pres, Wilford Woodruff. and Counsul Salt Lake City Dear Brothern

I am sory to say that I have not been able to get to Provo to comence in the Normal Course to which I am called. I am willing to go but there are several drawbacks so far & the People here as a general rule is very poor some of them nearly haveing to quit Tobacco so you can tell it is very hard times here all russeling for money to pay there tackses but fail to get it. as I under stand the town is to pay the board bill. They have not suceeded in getting in eny thing as yet, I have not they money my self but am pretty badly in debt. There is other things still that are holding me here at Preasant I am imployed in the Olsinorre Coop Branch Store am responsiable for some out standing Debts which comes in very soon. Am acting as Justice of the Peace and have several unfinesh-ed Cases on hand. The Bishop and his Counsal and myself -

Last edit 30 days ago by Barbara Ostler
Needs Review


have desided to stur up the people and make a strong effert to get me off by Lawyeres at least if we can get in then

Respectively J. H. Parker

That settles it } J. F. S. }

J. H. Parker Aug 21 '93.

Last edit 30 days ago by Barbara Ostler
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