Letter from Lewis Harvey, 25 March 1894 [LE-41400]



Needs Review


L. D. S. Historian's Office,

P. O. Box 1678,

Salt Lake City, Utah, March 23 94/18

To the Presidency of Our Church Deane Brethre I have been here one week to get ahead ing in regard to the move, my batter and my self

Loaned the church in Missouri in the years 3f I am no neareer now than i was the day I cam I have not a niccle in my Pocket I ama Paufer in the Street witt a sick Daughter no help but from her neighbours foor women that go out wasting they administer to here out of there fitence alit the teas chees buns coffee out meal & While the church is owing me & have had then of the money, 50. yearned I feel Mistreated for the neglect and rong treatment & some Body is to Blame and it is A awful thing it is Something I would not love to meet of to all this world Now I wont to Know what you will doe will you give me youre attention if you will all right if you wont

Last edit 14 days ago by 3jmccollum
Needs Review


alwayer Brother John E Boothe is ready to investigate anny time you will let he tolld me the other day that he would rather I would get Judg Judd if I would

I would rather settle & Recon cile the matter Between me and the church & Let that Bee the end of it

this the yeare of Our Lord. 1894

Lewis Harey, to Will ford Wood reff

Josph F Smith George Q Cannon

Lewis Harvey March 25 '94

Last edit 14 days ago by 3jmccollum
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