Letter from William A. Barr, undated [LE-41232]



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The First Reserection of the Dead must commence in the Generative organs Be Regeneration. The First Shall Be Last & the Last First. What we Bind on Earth Shall Be Bound in Heaven. So we Must Manufactor a Program while on Earth that It may Be Duplicated in Heaven Little children are the Proper Subjects of the Kingdom of Heaven we Should Study well the Devine Rules for Regenerating that we May Be a Proficient Parrent of children of Record in Heaven. But we must

Last edit 20 days ago by combblai
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Be First a Physion for the Purpose of Healing our own Bodyes that we may Be Free to confirm the Policy of Polygamy on Earth to Be Duplicated in Heaven. It must Be the christians Duty to observe Second. the Law of God as a creator And work Patients to Magnify the Virtue of the creator while the work is get Going. on Polygamy is not for every one But Should Be a well conducted Secret work By the church For it is not men who ordains

Last edit 20 days ago by combblai
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The Policy But Jesus Christ The First Begoten from the Dead who is the Head and The Principle of the Church And is in me to do the will of his Father I am no more Tosed a Bout with the Doctrin of Repentance And Babtism for I have Bin Babtised wit the Babtism of Suffering whitch has Bin Powerfull Enough to confirm My Faith in the Revelation of Jesus Christ unto the End of Every Good Work.


W a Barr

Last edit 20 days ago by combblai
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To the Public:

I HAVE a new doctrine to preach. Not altogether a gospel of refinement alone, but a doctrine of reform in the interest of refinement and progressive science couple together even from the foundation of the world, by the wisdom and foreknowledge of God. I have two Scriptural witnesses to prove beyond a doubt that my calling is original and of a Divine character, and not of myself, but of God.

I have been for ten years educating my mind in favor of general principles as against cranky or one ideal forms of human intelligence. And why is it so? Let me answer this question to the best of my knowledge:

It is because the hand of God has been stretched out upon me from the beginning by the art of reincarnation according to the equinoxes of certain planets, which occur under similar circumstances and mark the periods of time in a higher degree in the wisdom of one universal and eternal God. I have upon me the mark of Cain that I should if possible overcome it by witnessing the foreknowledge and determination of our God, and his ability to verify his statements concerning the periods of the times of our planet in the Third Degree of his revelations to man on the basis of prophetic intelligence. And the perfection of the human brain that it may be able to endure the fixed responsibility of the evolutions of time according to the diligence of faith and works. For if the roots of the tree shall fail to support the trunk, the tree will fall and be a monument only of what has been. But God is eternal, and by the art of recording time by the machinery of His Word keeps up the relations of the beginning and the end. According to the power of expanding the middle and center of gravity; but in order to bring about the end, the End and the beginning must be consolidated and thus overcome the power of expanding the middle.

But God foreknew this, and has laid the foundation of the end and separated it from the beginning in a mysterious way, in order to break down the strongholds of infidelity and ventilate the true philosophy of the beginning, as concerns the whole principle.

I said I have two witnesses: I have the mark of Cain – or, rather, the mark of God and also the secret gift of Jesus Christ. So I am satisfied that in the mouth or evidence of two witnesses, every word shall be established.



Last edit 20 days ago by combblai
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with this I Distroy my Last Hope in the Effort of any thing that man can Do. yet I know that that there is Power in Perminent organisation Accorden to the Authority to organise But I have non neither am I able to assom the Responsability or Desire the calling But I had to meets Every conviction of my mind In order to Determin the Amount of my own Strength and So I have Ruled over Sin or myself And Submit to the Powers that Are in Force Right or Rong as concerns my Estamate of Right or Rong

Last edit 20 days ago by combblai
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