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5 revisions
Jannyp at May 11, 2024 06:49 PM


| | |Collateral Notes | Hightower J. L. 2 | Hafens 151 - 153 | Hermann G. H. - 179 | Harper, Alfred. 6 | Hafens A. E. 153 | Houston Oil Co. - 184 | Hastings R. L. 13 | | Hardin Lumber Co. - 187 | Hunt, Luther B. 14 | | Houston Bldg. Co. Bonds - 173 | Hodges, P. P. 17 | | Huffman F. S. - 194-195 | Hewerson, J. J. 19 | | Hamblen H. T. 195 - | Houser, Bennett. 20 | | Humphreville W. E. Jr. - 199 | Hays, L. P. 24 | | Hall Josephine CH. 166 & 167 | Hodges, C. M. 27-28 | Harding, J. M 29 | Harris, J. L 29. 30 | Hill, A. L. 30 | Hewy, Geo & Julia 45 | Hood, Mrs. Mollie 58 | Hodge, J. H. 64 | Haynes, R. C. 72 | Hammond, E. C. 76 | Hargron, E. L. 90 | Haux Flora A - 101 | Halbert L. V. 104 | Holbert L. V. 105 | Hays A - 108 - 110 | Hackney J C 110 & 111 | Hutchins J F 119 - 120 |

Collateral Notes
Hightower J. L. 2 Hafens 151 - 153 Hermann G. H. - 179
Harper, Alfred. 6 Hafens A. E. 153 Houston Oil Co. - 184
Hastings R. L. 13 Hardin Lumber Co. - 187
Hunt, Luther B. 14 Houston Bldg. Co. Bonds - 173
Hodges, P. P. 17 Huffman F. S. - 194-195
Hewerson, J. J. 19 Hamblen H. T. 195 -
Houser, Bennett. 20 Humphreville W. E. Jr. - 199
Hays, L. P. 24 Hall Josephine CH. 166 & 167
Hodges, C. M. 27-28
Harding, J. M 29
Harris, J. L 29. 30
Hill, A. L. 30
Hewy, Geo & Julia 45
Hood, Mrs. Mollie 58
Hodge, J. H. 64
Haynes, R. C. 72
Hammond, E. C. 76
Hargron, E. L. 90
Haux Flora A - 101
Halbert L. V. 104
Holbert L. V. 105
Hays A - 108 - 110
Hackney J C 110 & 111
Hutchins J F 119 - 120


| | |Collateral Notes | Hightower J. L. 2 | Hafens 151 - 153 | Hermann G. H. - 179 | Harper, Alfred. 6 | Hafens A. E. 153 | Houston Oil Co. - 184 | Hastings R. L. 13 | | Hardin Lumber Co. - 187 | Hunt, Luther B. 14 | | Houston Bldg. Co. Bonds - 173 | Hodges, P. P. 17 | | Huffman F. S. - 194-195 | Hewerson, J. J. 19 | | Hamblen H. T. 195 - | Houser, Bennett. 20 | | Humphreville W. E. Jr. - 199 | Hays, L. P. 24 | | Hall Josephine CH. 166 & 167 | Hodges, C. M. 27-28 | Harding, J. M 29 | Harris, J. L 29. 30 | Hill, A. L. 30 | Hewy, Geo & Julia 45 | Hood, Mrs. Mollie 58 | Hodge, J. H. 64 | Haynes, R. C. 72 | Hammond, E. C. 76 | Hargron, E. L. 90 | Haux Flora A - 101 | Halbert L. V. 104 | Holbert L. V. 105 | Hays A - 108 - 110 | Hackney J C 110 & 111 | Hutchins J F 119 - 120 |

Collateral Notes
Hightower J. L. 2 Hafens 151 - 153 Hermann G. H. - 179
Harper, Alfred. 6 Hafens A. E. 153 Houston Oil Co. - 184
Hastings R. L. 13 Hardin Lumber Co. - 187
Hunt, Luther B. 14 Houston Bldg. Co. Bonds - 173
Hodges, P. P. 17 Huffman F. S. - 194-195
Hewerson, J. J. 19 Hamblen H. T. 195 -
Houser, Bennett. 20 Humphreville W. E. Jr. - 199
Hays, L. P. 24 Hall Josephine CH. 166 & 167
Hodges, C. M. 27-28
Harding, J. M 29
Harris, J. L 29. 30
Hill, A. L. 30
Hewy, Geo & Julia 45
Hood, Mrs. Mollie 58
Hodge, J. H. 64
Haynes, R. C. 72
Hammond, E. C. 76
Hargron, E. L. 90
Haux Flora A - 101
Halbert L. V. 104
Holbert L. V. 105
Hays A - 108 - 110
Hackney J C 110 & 111
Hutchins J F 119 - 120