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a strenuous tuge-of-war. The teams looked fit as
they quietly listened to the instructions of the
referee but it did not need a practiced eye
to see that the Meds had 10 poundds per head
of an advantage. What strappers they were and
how they strained! One foot of rope went their
way at the start. For a moments their opponents
were staggered and in the fierce pull
which followed 3 inches more went slowly to the
Meds as the preachers swung out of line under
the strain. Another three and the pull
would be lost but it was not to be. The divines
steadied and held fast and solid during
the desperate efforts of the Meds to end
it quickly, and settled down to a long,
steady pull to recover 2 1/2 feet of rope and register
another win. Perhaps it was because
preachers are longer-winded than professional
men, or because Shore ground a layer of teeth
to powder, or because the Resident Tutor squirmed

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