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Saturday Dec 1st 8th Week
Blowing a Gale of wind & our Ship Standing to
Wind & Shipping a deal of water. at 8.a.m. put
the Ship to her Course & Sighted land at 10.
a.m. the Sea runing Very high the Captain
Said he would not go in to Harbour for it
was a Very Dandgrous Entrance only 350 Yard
Wide but the Capt. see a Schooner standing
in for the Harbour so he kept his Course the
Schooner was Labouring Very Much when we got
about 1 Mile from the Entrance about 8 large Steam
mers was making out to Sea for the Harbour was
Full which one signalled to us to keep out but
our Capt. would go ahead we gained the Entrance
at 3.p.m. we got Faul [foul] of a large Ship our Capt.
was ordered to Stop & Return Out to Sea but he Sa[id]
he had No Coals. water &c. on Board. The Pilot came
on board & we anchored at 4.p.m. in Safty.

Balaklava Harbour is between 2 large Heights of Rocks
on one stands the Castle in Ruins & the Signalles h[ ]
Castle Point Cossack Point which is Rocks runin[g]
from the Main Rock which formed a bay Ca[lled?]
Cossack Bay the Town is a few old houses & a Ol[d]

Dec 1st 4.P.M. 1855

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