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3 revisions
Jannyp at May 15, 2021 02:06 PM



One for mother, & one for each
of you girls. They may tarnish
as they were only 50c each, so
there cannot be much gold
about them but I think you can
keep them brightened up.

Am sending some plain badges
like that on my cap to some of the
girls. They can have them gilded
at a jewellers if they wish.

Chalmers Gregory is at the hospital
yet and is in bad condition. He has
to go through an operation to have
pus taken from his lungs. He is now
in Toronto.

We had a couple of rains
here and the climate is much



One for mother, & one for each
of you girls. They may tarnish
as they were only 50c each, so
there cannot be much gold
about them but I think you can
keep them brightened up.

Am sending some plain badges
like that on my cap to some of the
girls. They can have them gilded
at a jewellers if they wish.

Chalmers Gregory is at the hospital
yet and is in bad condition. He has
to go through an operation to have
pus taken from his lungs. He is now
in Toronto.

We had a couple of rains
here and the climate is much