1903-1906 Faculty of Arts minutes





Thurs. 14th[ left column) [ 1. Anc. Hist & Eng. Comp.] struck out [middle column] [middle column] 1. Phonetics 1.2 Greek Auth. [middle column] 3.4 Mod. Hist. (Eur.) Fri. 15th [left column] 1.2 Lat. Auth. [middle column] 3. Const. Hist [middle column] Sat. 16th [left column] 1.2 Ital. Auth [middle column] 4. Econcom/Anc. Hist [middle column] 1.2 Eng. Comp. [middle column struck out] 18th [left column] Hist. Phil. [middle column] Ethics 19th Physics [middle column]

Last edit over 1 year ago by Amanda811
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Time table of Exam[?], May, 1903 9.15 to 12.15 [middle column] 2.15 to 5.15 [right column] Mon. 4th [left column] 1. Trig [middle column] 2. Logic [middle column] 2.3 Hon. Fr. Auth. [middle column] 3.4 Fr. Auth [middle column] Tues. 5th [left column] 1. Edc. [middle column] 2. Psych [middle column] 3.4 Greek test [middle column] Wed. 6th [left column] 1.2 Fr. Auth. [middle column] 2. Hon. Fr. Comp. [middle column] 3.4 Fr. Comp. [middle column] Hebrew [middle column] 1.2 Greek Auth. [right column] [struck out] 3 Ger. Auth (Hon) [right column] 2 Fr. Auth (Hon) [right column Thurs. 7th [left column] 1.2 Lat. Comp. [middle column] 3.4 Eng. Lit. [middle column] Fri 8th [left column] 1. Eng. Lit. [middle column] 2. Hon. Ger. Comp. [middle column] 3.4 Ger. Comp. [middle column] 1. Eng. Lit. (Hon.) [right column] 1.2 Greek Comp. [right column] 2.3 Hon. Ger. Auth. [right column] 3.4 Ger. Auth [right column] Sat. 9th [left column] 1.2 French Comp. [middle column] 2 Med. Hist. [middle column] 3. French (Hon.) [middle column] 3.4 Lat. Comp. [middle column] 1. French (Hon.) [right column] 2. Eng. Lit [right column] Mon. 11th [left column] 1. Physics 3 Eng. Hon. [middle column] 2. Eng. Lit. Hon. [middle column] 3.4 Lat. Auth. [middle column] Tues. 12th [ left column] 1. Algebra [middle column] 4. Hist. Phil. [middle column struck out] 3.4 Gree Comp. x [middle column] Wed. [left column] 1.2 Ger. Comp. [middle column] 3. Physics [middle column struck out] 1.2 Ger. Auth. [right column]

Last edit over 3 years ago by Kdawg102


17th April 1903

A meeting of the Arts Faculty was held in the Reception room at 2 p. m. Present the Provost, Professors Burgess, Tamblyn & Waller The rates of the Examinations in Arts & Theology were then discussed.

The programme was tentatively arranged & was ultimately carried out as appended Moved by Principal Waller Secretary Dr. Tamblyn That the faculty appoint a Secretary & keep a record of their proceedings.


Moved by Dr. Tamblyn Seconded by Professor Burgess That Principal Waller by appointed Secretary Carried.

Moved by P. Waller Seconded by Prof. Burgess That results of Exams. be kept secret till the Faculty meeting & that all be announced together Carried.

Adjournment. Confirmed N C James Chairman

20 May 1903

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Jannyp


20th May 1903 8 p.m.

Faculty Meeting Present Provost, Profs Burgess, Tamblyn Waller

The marks of the Final Examinations for 1903 were submitted. The arrangements were discussed for convocation. It was suggested that the following order be adopted. Prayers Chairman's remarks Provost's report Valedictory Degrees Address from Revd Dr Johnson. Principal of Huron Coll. report. Valedictory Testamurs Prizes Bishop's address.

It was reported that McGown had passed his first year Latin but not his second year. He also failed in Algebra of 1st year & [did] not try Trig.o Arrangements were made for reading Professor Dearess' Thesis for M.A.

It was suggested that in the next calendar some rule should be introduced requiring longer notice & time for Theses.

Moved by Prof. Waller Sec. by Prof Burgess That topics of all Exam. papers be handed to the Registrar to be

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Jannyp


20th May 1903 8 p.m.

Faculty meeting Present Provost, Profs Burgess, Tamblyn Waller The Marks of the Final Examinations for 1903 were submitted. The arrangements were reviewed for Convocation. It was suggested that the following orders be adopted. Prayers Chairman's remarks Provost's report Valedictory Degrees Address from Rev. Dr. Johnson. Principal of Huron Coll. report. Valedicitory Testamurs Prizes Bishop's address.

It was reported that McGown had passed his first year Latin but not his second year. He also failed in Algebra of 1st year & did not try Trig. or Arrangements were made for reading Professor Dearness' thesis for M.A.

It was suggested that in the next calendar some rule should be introduced requiring longer notice & time for Theses.

Moved by Prof. Waller Sec. by Prof Burgess That copies of all Exam. papers be handed to the Registrar to be

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Jannyp
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