University Records

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Subscription List for Western University 1877-1882

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24 Western University. [Colum 1]Date [Column 2] Name [Column 3] $ [Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address 1880 Feby 2 J. J. Mason pd 10 J Vasses[?] " 3 J Winer 20 " " " " M.O'Reilly pd 4 00 " " 9 Solomon [?]ill 10 00 Markdale " 16 Valaucey E. Freller 10 00 Ham[?] Mar 13 H. Mchateley 10 00 Civic[?] " 17 W. M. Good[man?] 10 00 " 20 [?] 10 00 " 23 G. K. Shornberger JS 20 00 Oxford [facing page] 25 Western University. [Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column 3] $ [Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Kdawg102
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1880 26 Western University. [Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column 3] $ [Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address. 1880 continued from page 20 Jany. 16 Ellis A Ans pf 25 00 London " 10 W N Donaugh pd 20 00 London " 24 Revd W. J. Taylor 25 00 Wardsville " 28 Stephen Blackburn 25 00 Glencoe " " G. M Laureson 25 00 Glencoe " " E. Dualsiaivs[?] 25 00 " Febry 19 Thomas Pearce 23 00 Iona Feby 24 Ths. Kent Part pd 25 00 London [facing page] 27 Western University. [Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column 3] $ [Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Kdawg102

1903-1906 Faculty of Arts minutes

Needs Review


Time table of Exam[?], May, 1903 9.15 to 12.15 [middle column] 2.15 to 5.15 [right column] Mon. 4th [left column] 1. Trig [middle column] 2. Logic [middle column] 2.3 Hon. Fr. Auth. [middle column] 3.4 Fr. Auth [middle column] Tues. 5th [left column] 1. Edc. [middle column] 2. Psych [middle column] 3.4 Greek test [middle column] Wed. 6th [left column] 1.2 Fr. Auth. [middle column] 2. Hon. Fr. Comp. [middle column] 3.4 Fr. Comp. [middle column] Hebrew [middle column] 1.2 Greek Auth. [right column] [struck out] 3 Ger. Auth (Hon) [right column] 2 Fr. Auth (Hon) [right column Thurs. 7th [left column] 1.2 Lat. Comp. [middle column] 3.4 Eng. Lit. [middle column] Fri 8th [left column] 1. Eng. Lit. [middle column] 2. Hon. Ger. Comp. [middle column] 3.4 Ger. Comp. [middle column] 1. Eng. Lit. (Hon.) [right column] 1.2 Greek Comp. [right column] 2.3 Hon. Ger. Auth. [right column] 3.4 Ger. Auth [right column] Sat. 9th [left column] 1.2 French Comp. [middle column] 2 Med. Hist. [middle column] 3. French (Hon.) [middle column] 3.4 Lat. Comp. [middle column] 1. French (Hon.) [right column] 2. Eng. Lit [right column] Mon. 11th [left column] 1. Physics 3 Eng. Hon. [middle column] 2. Eng. Lit. Hon. [middle column] 3.4 Lat. Auth. [middle column] Tues. 12th [ left column] 1. Algebra [middle column] 4. Hist. Phil. [middle column struck out] 3.4 Gree Comp. x [middle column] Wed. [left column] 1.2 Ger. Comp. [middle column] 3. Physics [middle column struck out] 1.2 Ger. Auth. [right column]

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Kdawg102
Needs Review


Time table for Arts and Divinity. [column 1] Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. [column 2] 9-10 1.2 Ital. 4 Hist. 1 Math 2 Eng. Lit. 3 Hon. Germ. 1. Math. 3.4 Germ. Auth 2 Gk Authors 1 Math. 2 Hon. Ger. Comp. 2.4 Ger. Comp. [column 3]10-11 1.2 Germ. Auth. 3 & 4 Amer. Hist. 1 Germ. Gram. 1.2 Grk. Prose 3.4 Grk. Text 1 Germ Gram 2 Psych 3 Grk. A. 3.4 Hebrew 1 Grk. Hist. [?] Hist. Economics 1.2 Lat. Pr. 3.4 Germ. Gr. 3.4 Grk. Pr. 2.3.4. Fr. Comp. Bishop Lecture [column 4] 11-12 1 Am. Hist. 1 Hon French 1.2 Rhet. 3.4 Lat. Auth. 3 Hon. Fr. 1 Hon. Eng 3.4 Fr. Auth 1.2 Hebrew C.T. (Special) 1.2 Lat. Auth. 4 Hist Br[?] 1.2 Lat. Uns. 3.4 Fr. Gram. 3.4 Grk. Text 3.4 Eng. Lit. 1 Gk. Auth 1 German [column 5] 12-1 1 Math. 2 Hon. Germ A. 3.4 Germ A. 1. Eng. Lit. 3.4 Ger. Gram. Westcott. R. 1 Ital. Auth. 1 Grk. Auth. 3.4 Eng. Lit. 1 Fr. Gram. 3.4 Lat. Auth. 2 Eng. Lit. 1 Eng. Lit 2 Med. Hist. 3.4 Lat. Pr. 1 Fr. Gram. 3 Hist. Ch. Hist ([?]) [column 6] [column 7] 2-3 C.J. ([?] Archdeacon Lecture 2.30-3.30 1.2 Late Auth 2. Greek (3) Prayer Book N.J. (General) 3 Eng. Hon Grk Prose 1&2 [column 8] 3.30-4.30 1 Math.

3 Eng. Hon.

[column 9] 4.30-5.30 2 French A[?]

Last edit over 2 years ago by Kdawg102
Needs Review


Preserved by him. Carried. Adjournment.

N.C. James Chairman

29 Sept 1903 2 p.m.

Faculty meeting: present Provost James, Profs. Burgess, Tamblyn & Waller.

The marks of Supplemental Exams & matriculation were submitted. Minutes of previous meeting read & confirmed.

The position of Cox & McGown was discussed but no action was taken

The Principal offered to arrange for a beginners class in Gk & Latin with Mr. Carlisle Resident tutor to Huron Coll. After considerable discussion it was decided that Mr. Waller would undertake the lectures in English constitutional history.

It was agreed to work on the old time table tentatively for the first fortnight of term. Adjournment. N.C. James Chairman

2nd Oct 1903 Present Provost James Professors Burgess, Tamblyn & Waller Minutes read & confirmed. The question to be discussed was what Latin should be read. The First year we had read Homer III & IV & [???]

Last edit over 2 years ago by Jannyp
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After discussing the relative quantity of the different authors to be read it was Moved by Prof. Waller Seconded by Prof. Burgess That the work to be covered should be Catiline I & IV Catullus & Livy thirty chapters. Carried. Adjournmet

N.C. James Chairman

24 Oct 1903 1 p.m. Present Provost James Professors Burgess, Tamblyn, Waller Rev. G. B. Sage.

Minutes of previous meeting read & confirmed.

The revised timetable was then discussed and after changes it was moved by Rev. C. C. Waller Sec. Rev. G. B. Sage that the above be the timetable. Adjournment N.C. James

Last edit about 1 year ago by MaryV
Needs Review


Time-table for Arts and Divinity [Column 1] Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. [Column 2] 9-10 1.2 Ital. 4 Hist. 1 Math. 2 Eng. Lit. 3 Fr. Hon. Cr. & Art. 1 Math 2 Eng. Hon. 4 Ger. Hon. Ansel[??] 1 Math. 2 Greek Are. 2 Fr. Hon. ? 3.4 Fr. Are. 1 Math. 2 French Hon. 3.4 " 4 Eng. Hon. Cr. & Art. 1 Math. 2.3.4 Fr. Comp. 2 Greek Ace. [Column 3] 10-11 1.2 Ger. 1 K[?] 1 Ital. 1.2 Greek Comp. 3.4 Greek Test. 1 Greek Ace. 1 Eng. Hon. 2 Psych. 3.4 Eng. Lit. 1 Greek Hist 1.2 Ital. Astron. Eccl. Hist. 1.2 Lat. Comp. 3.4 Greek Comp. 1 Gen Au. 1 Eng. Hon. Bishop's Lecture [Column 4] 11-12 1 Rom. Hist 1 French Hon. 3.4 Const. Hist. 1.2 Rhet. 3.4 Lat. Au. 4 French Hon. 1.2 Lat. Au. 3 Ger. Hon. 4 Eng. Hon. 3.4 Hebrew St. Lukes 1.2 Lat. Au. 3 French Hon. 4 Hist. Butter 1.2 Lat. Uns. 2.3.4 French Gram. 4 Eng. Hon. 3.4 Greek Test. 1 Fr. Gram 1 German 3.4 Eng. Lit [Column 5] 12-1 1 Math. 2 Ger. Hon. 3.4 Ger. Auth. Fr. " 1 Eng. Lit. 2.3.4. Ger. Westcott 1 Germ. Au. 3 Eng. Hon O.T. (Special) 1.2 Hebrew 1 French Gr. 2 Eng. Lit. 3.4 Lat. Au. 1 Eng Lit. 2 Med. Hist. 3.4 Lat. Comp. St Lukes 1 Ger. 1 Greek Au. 3 Hist. Ch. Hist. [Column 6] 1-2 [Column 7] 2-3 1 Greek Dean's Lecture 3 Hon. Eng. 2.30-3.30 2 Greek Prayer Book Greek N.T. (General) 1.2 Greek Comp. 1 Greek

[Column 8] 3-4

2 Logic Reading

[Column 9]4-5

1.2 French Auth.

[Column 9]5-6

[Column 10]8-9 O.T. (General)

Last edit over 2 years ago by Kdawg102
Needs Review


14 June 1904 A meeting of the Faculty was held in the reception room at 10 a.m. Present Provost Dr. James, Professor Tamblyn & Waller. The Minutes were read & confirmed The Provost stated that the time between the Examinations & the Convocation not been insufficient to allow of a faculty meeting to be held to review the results of the Examinations & review a minute to be made to this effect as a guide for next year. N.B. a week was the time allowed & found insufficient.

Moved by Rev. C.C. Waller Seconded by Professor Tamblyn That the question of Scriptural option raised by the action of Toronto UIniversity be reported to the Executive Committee. Carried. The meeting then adjourned till their revision shd[?] be received, as the compiling of the Calendar could not be completed without a revision.

NC James

16 June A meeting was held this a.m. in the reception room. Present Dr. James presiding, Professors Burgess, Tamblyn & Waller. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read & confirmed. The Provost stated that the Executive Committee had appointed

Last edit 6 months ago by MaryV
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the Faculty a committee on the [?] with power to act The Provost further stated that in the first year the option of 2 hrs a week scripture instead of Trigonometry had been sanctioned by the Executive Committee After discussion based on the changes in the Toronto Calendar it was moved by Principal Wallen sec. by Professor Burgess That the 3rd year option be as follows Apolgetics for Physics Class[?] History for English Constitutional History Biblical Gk. to Classical Gk. authors Carried In the 4th year Moved by Principal Wallen Seconded by Professor Tamblyn That there be no change in the 4th year options from those in force 1903-1904 i.e. Classical History for History Biblical Gk. for Classical Gk. X[?] Ethics on Apologetics for History of Philosophy Carried It was further agreed that the term modern history should not include Canadian Constitutional History, so that no student should be exempt from this important study Moved by Rev. Professor Burgess Sec by Principal Wallen That clauses referring to M.A. degree be adopted in toto exceptitis excep[?].

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Kdawg102
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Moved by Professor Tamblyn Seconded by Professor Burgess That the application of Rev. R. W. Knowles to be exempted from examination in Ancient History be not granted. Carried. The meeting was adjourned.l N.C. James Chairman

1904 Oct. 8th 12.45 Present Provost, Professors Burgess, Tamblyn & Wallen. Minutes read & approved.

The case of A. Barclay was then discussed. Mr. Barclay was taken ill in Spring & could not sit for the 1st year examinations. He notified Provost of intention to take supps. in Sept. He did not however present himself & alleged in excuse that a member of the Faculty had given him to understand that he wd. be allowed to proceed the 2nd year, taking supps. at various times After full revision it was moved by Professor Burgess seconded by Dr. Tamblyn That Mr Barclay be granted a supplemental at Christmas except in French & Greek & that meantime he be permitted to attend 2nd year lectures. But should he fail at Xmas he will be required to become a first year student for the remainder of the session. The Faculty strongly recommend[ed]

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Kdawg102
Displaying pages 11 - 20 of 35 in total