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Greenwood, Franklin Co. Kansas

June 13th/60

[Neje Saupau?]

Sir I now take this opportunity to
write a few lines to you in regard to your inquire [inquiry]
about [Peetaumihkwut?]. they want ^two hear^ both Ottawaye, the
first one was part French, rather tall with a roman
nose, which I think is the man you are inquiring
about. I found by inquirering [inquiring] among the Ottaway
that the above Peetaunuhkwuk, has or had a
brother in that country somewhere, by the name
of Peenashe, also a sister. The above
Peetaunuhkwut has no children living at present
nor no near relatives, in this country. He died
about eight years ago. The other
Peetaunuhkwut, was a full blooded Indian, rather small
in stature, dark complected, no relatives in
your country as I could hear. this Peetaunuhkwut
has a daughter living. That is all that I can
find out about Peetaunuhkwut. We are at
present well and doing well our fields looks
nice our corn is from two to three feet high. all
quiet hear [here] in Kansas, the Indians is going
to have a grand council, fifteen diferent [different] tribes
together down among the Cherokees, when the
council come off I will tell you the results

that is all. take care of yourself

Wm Turner

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