1251 South 18th Street
March 10, 1913.
Joseph P. Tumulty, Esq.,
Secretary to President Wilson,
Washington, D.C.
My dear Mr. Tumulty:-
Under seaparte covers I am sending to President
Wilson, in your sepcial care, a marked copy of The Boston Congregationalist,
containing a brief article by me, and a letter relative
to the same. Knowing the great pressure under which the President
must be working at this time, I am writing to ask you as a
special favor to make it a point to place this matter before the
President at a time when he will be most likely to give it consideration.
President Wilson knows of, and is deeply interested in
the work which I am essaying, and I am sure that he will be glad to
have this matter called to his attention at the proper time.
Thanking you for your past courtesies, and wishing for
you a pleasant and profitable sojourn in Vashington, I am,
Your humble servant,
J. S. Stemons
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