Microfilm Reel 230, File 152, "African Americans"

All the microfilm scans concerning file number 152, "African Americans," on reel 230 from the Executive Office files of the Woodrow Wilson Papers, series 4 in the Library of Congress finding aid. File number 152a, "Segregation," starts on page 590.





Ack?d 8/8/16 (152) Boston, Mass.

Dear Joe,

The Judge believes a good word should be said by somebody in behalf of the black man It makes no difference here, because the negroes are few. But it may be important in Indiana, Illinois and Ohio. And even in New York.


Last edit almost 4 years ago by kathyt42
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[left side] I believe the best

Yours truly William F. Murray

P.S. I enclose clipping from Boston Herald The [?Tensing?] appointment, if made, will go big.

The enclosure is almost the first good word for Woodrow Wilson in the Boston Herald, the organ of the interest. [??N.?] [/left side]

[right side] I believe the best way to do it is to have Secretary Baker of Ohio handle it, either through an address or a statement or in a letter to a Commanding Officer that may be assigned to take command of one of the colored regular regiments.

Senator [?Taggert?] should be able to advise in this connection.

83835 [/right side]

Last edit over 3 years ago by heidimarie
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10 [left column]

THE BOSTON HERALD Published every day in the year at 171 Tremont Street, Boston, by Boston Publishing Co. Robert Lincoln O'Brien . . . . . Editor and Publisher James H. Higgens . . . . . . Treasurer and Genl. Mgr. Walter Emerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor ___________________________________________ Entered at the Boston (Mass.) Postoffice as second class mail matter. ___________________________________________ Address all communications to the Herald. Boston, Mass. Make checks payable to Boston Publishing Co. ____________________________________________ SUBSCRIPTION TERMS - BY MAIL DOMESTIC RATES Postpaid United States and Mexico and Island Possessions. Subscriptions for the Daily and Evening Editions delivered to the Canadian Provinces are received at the same rates as in the United States; Postage is 5 cents per copy extra on the Sunday. One cent extra per copy for postage is charged in the Boston postal delivery district.

Daily and Sunday Daily Only
One Year . . . . . . $5.50 One Year . . . . . $3.00
Six Months. . . . . 2.75 Six Months . . . . 1.50
Three Months . . 1.50 Three Months . . .75
One Month . . . . . .50 One Month . . . . . .25
FOREIGN RATES (Including Postage)

Daily and Sunday, Per Month . . . . . . . $1.50 Morning Only, Per Month . . . . . . . . . . .80 Sunday Only, Per Month . . . . . . . . . . . .70 Evening Only, Per Month . . . . . . . . . . .80 _______________________________________ The Herald will not be responsible for unsolicited manuscript unless accompanied by postage for the return. ______________________________________ MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1916 ______________________________________ [/left column [right column]

economic sympathies he is not surpassed by any of his colleagues in this country. For a quarter of a cetury he has given special attention to tariff problems, commencing as a pioneer in this field and soon establishing himself as our most impartial and authoritative writer upon matters of fiscal policy. If President Wilson intends that the new tariff commission shall exercise a vigorous and salutary influence upon the drafting of future schedules, he can give no more convincing voucher of his intentions than by this selection. [/right column]


Last edit over 3 years ago by Harpwench


to pass.


The report from Washington that Prof. F W. Taussig of Harvard is President Wilson's choice for the chairmanship of the new tariff commission will give great encouragement to those who believe this body to have great possibilities of usefulness. Prof. Taussig is easily the dean of American economists at the present day; in scholarship, in soundness of judgment and in the breadth of his


Last edit over 3 years ago by VBeaudry
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[stamp: ACK'D AUG 1 1916 T.M.H]

August 9, 1916.

Dear Mr. Tumulty:

In the absence of Congressman Hamill, who is in Jersey City just now, I beg leave to take this means of presenting to you, Rev. S. L. Corrothers - 1801 9th St. N.W. and Dr. H. J. Callis. These gentlemen have come here with some very good letters of recommendation and wish to have an interview with you on a matter of political inportance.

I have assured these gentlemen that you would accord them all help you properly can.

Very sincerely yours,

Leo V. Malone Secretary to Congressman Hamill.

The Secretary to the President, Executive Office, The White House, Washington, D.C.

At City Wed 3 days


Last edit about 3 years ago by Harpwench
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