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2 revisions
Harpwench at Mar 03, 2022 09:44 PM


[column 1] SEGREGATION IMPOSED 8. We do not wish segregation imposed upon us by others. We need a new Emancipation from unjust oppression. We wish to rise unencumbered with our white fellow-citizens to the high altitude which Nature seems to have chiselled out for the American Nation. Hence, we entreat those who will not help our cause to hold their peace and step aside and refrain from placing stumbling blocks in our pathway to success. Those who make it their duty to matiea and ostracize the colored race, we ask to remember Cardinal Gib- bon's words. He said: "The history of this country has been one of constant nagging of the colored peo- le. My appeal has always been, LET THE COL-. ORED PEOPLE ALONE!" AMAZING PROGRESS OF THE COLORED RACE IN LESS THAN 50 YEARS 9. (a) According to the CENSUS of 1910, the colored population in the United States numbered 9,827,763. of whom 40,339 were foreign born. We venture to say that 98% of the foreign born colored people are English. The Hamitic Race in the United States owns and operates 833,370 FARMS which are valued at $1,141,792,526 or two hundred twenty-eight millions, four shillings. (b) Church edifices numbered 34,506, with seating capacity of 10,481,738, and valued at $56,636,159; communicants, 3,865,097; Sunday Schools, 34,681; scholars, 1,740,099; officers and teachers, 210,- 148; parsonages, valued $3,727,-884; bishops, 27; or- dained ministers, 18,000. In these colored churches, many of which are most spacious, none other but clergymen of the Hamitic Race officiate (Catholic excepted). (c) The race produces and operates 14 colleges, 12 academies, 60 high schools, 46 hospitals, several organization halls and Old Folks Homes, with a valuation of $3,925,328. In these colleges and high schools, college graduates of the race are employed as professors and teachers. (d) The number attend- ing schools from 5 to 20 years of age, 1,619,699. The race has 320 druggists, 1,200 physicians, 825 lawyers, 700 dentists and 500 nurses. (e) Banks 35, with an aggregate capital stock of about $3,000,000. (f) Homes valued at $250,000,000 or twenty-five million pounds. (g) Two daily and 322 weekly newspapers, and 27 periodicals. (h) The National Baptist Publica- tion Society and the A. M. E. Church Publication So- ciety publish Sunday School literature for nearly three million religious adherents. Nearly nine years have passed since the above figures were collected. As the progress of the Hamitic Race advances by leaps and bounds, it would be a safe and conservative estimate to add 20% increase to the above data. These figures reveal only a partial view of the won- derful procress the Ethiopian Race has made and is making under the Stars and Stripes. PHILANTHROPISTS 10. Philanthropists and other rich men and women who feel it in their hearts to do good should re- member, FIRST, that the white race of America has in its possesion directly or indirectly the vast wealth of nearly four million colored people's labors for 250 years of servitude. Second, that regardless of the fact that occasionally a white person who is burdened with wealth passes a few dollars to members of the colored race, yet such donations do not touch even the one-millionth part of what is due the colored race. Third, that in spite of the untold millions due the col- ored race for 250 years' UNREQUITTED toil and labor, yet we appreciate the pittances and other liberal gifts. Committee MRS. VEOLA GUERRANT COLEMAN. MRS. ADDIE LONG. JOSEPH P. EVANS, G. M., A. F. & A. M. OF Md. REV. DR. JAMES A BRISCOE. RED. DR. M. W. D. NORMAN. [/column 1] [column 2] which we occasionally received, especially from North- ern friends. FOURTH, but we would advise those who donate large sums of money as a CONSCIENCE FUND to read Lake XIV, verse 12 to 15, which says: "When thou makest a dinner or supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbours; lest they also bid thee again, and a recom- pence be made thee. But when thou makest a feast call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. That thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee; for thou shall be recompensed at the resurrec- tion of the just." We leave the future calculation to a JUST GOD who will meet all of us at the Resurrec- tion. But if our Bible be true, and every word of it is TRUE, we would advise our rich men and women to give as generously back part of the millions that are due our downtrodden, oppressed and rejected race, instead of piling it up on their kinsmen alone. Blessed is he that considereth the poor ;the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. Remember that the Lord is just. The first shall be the last, and the last the first. Things will be reversed at the Resurrection if we don't act right in this world. Therefore, we ask rich men and women to remember your colored brethren in your gifts, donations, bequests, wills. Send the International UPLIFT League a check whenever you can to assist them in their efforts to UPLIFT a race made LOW by slavery. LAST AND URGENT PLEA. II. Our PLEA is GIVE US OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGITS that Fairplay, Justice, Equity and Peace may be made the criterion for those who govern as well as those who are governed; give as our CIVIC RIGHTS that our oppressed, despised and rejected people may find a safe asylum in this Christian LAND. and not be driven by mobs from one state to another; give us our RIGHTS which will stimulate every one to the most earnest endeavor for the slorions possibill- ties of the future; sive us our RIGHTS that every hand uplified to inflict our race with injury will be restrained by the power of the Law; give us our Federal RIGHTS that every colored man and woman may feel safe and be a sovereign in his and her own country though neither cares to wear a crown; pro- tect us by the LAW that every colored boy and girl may sing from their hearts, like the white boys and girls, "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of lberty;" protect us by the powerful hand of the Law until anti-racial odium, ostracism and antipathy shall be buried in the grave of shameless oblivion; until the schemes of disfranchisement, the plottings of segrega- tion, the humiliations of Jimcrowisms will be removed forever; give as our RIGHTS until LYNCHING, that foulest stigma and blackest monster which prates in our land and so often besmirched the fair brow of this beautiful Western queen, the United States of America, will forever cease, thereby allowing our mighty Re- public to stand out and shine among the Nations of the earth like a star of the first magntinde, that we may then become a worthy example to be emulated, and the psalmist be fulfilled which says: Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell to- gether in UNITY; give us our Constitutional RIGHTS so that it might be said of our great country: "The path of the just is as a shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. Prov. IV, 18. In re- plying to this Petition please address The General Secretary of the International Uplift League, 1369 North Carey Street, or the Chairman of the Executive Committee. 1425 McCulloh Street, Baltimore, Md. Done by order of the Committee. REV. GEORGE F. BRACG, JR, D. D. REV. ERNEST LYON, D. D., L. L. D. RT. REV. BISHOP JOHN HURST, D. D. WILIAM A. CREDITT, A. M. D. D.

[column 1]

8. We do not wish segregation imposed upon us by
others. We need a new Emancipation from unjust
oppression. We wish to rise unencumbered with our
white fellow-citizens to the high altitude which Nature
seems to have chiselled out for the American Nation.
Hence, we entreat those who will not help our cause
to hold their peace and step aside and refrain from
placing stumbling blocks in our pathway to success.
Those who make it their duty to matiea and ostracize
the colored race, we ask to remember Cardinal Gib-
bon's words. He said: "The history of this country
has been one of constant nagging of the colored peo-
le. My appeal has always been, LET THE COL-.


9. (a) According to the CENSUS of 1910, the colored
population in the United States numbered 9,827,763.
of whom 40,339 were foreign born. We venture to
say that 98% of the foreign born colored people are
English. The Hamitic Race in the United States owns
and operates 833,370 FARMS which are valued at
$1,141,792,526 or two hundred twenty-eight millions,
four shillings. (b) Church edifices numbered 34,506,
with seating capacity of 10,481,738, and valued at
$56,636,159; communicants, 3,865,097; Sunday Schools,
34,681; scholars, 1,740,099; officers and teachers, 210,-
148; parsonages, valued $3,727,-884; bishops, 27; or-
dained ministers, 18,000. In these colored churches,
many of which are most spacious, none other but
clergymen of the Hamitic Race officiate (Catholic
excepted). (c) The race produces and operates 14
colleges, 12 academies, 60 high schools, 46 hospitals,
several organization halls and Old Folks Homes, with
a valuation of $3,925,328. In these colleges and high
schools, college graduates of the race are employed
as professors and teachers. (d) The number attend-
ing schools from 5 to 20 years of age, 1,619,699. The
race has 320 druggists, 1,200 physicians, 825 lawyers,
700 dentists and 500 nurses. (e) Banks 35, with an
aggregate capital stock of about $3,000,000. (f)
Homes valued at $250,000,000 or twenty-five million
pounds. (g) Two daily and 322 weekly newspapers,
and 27 periodicals. (h) The National Baptist Publica-
tion Society and the A. M. E. Church Publication So-
ciety publish Sunday School literature for nearly
three million religious adherents. Nearly nine years
have passed since the above figures were collected.
As the progress of the Hamitic Race advances by
leaps and bounds, it would be a safe and conservative
estimate to add 20% increase to the above data.
These figures reveal only a partial view of the won-
derful procress the Ethiopian Race has made and is
making under the Stars and Stripes.


10. Philanthropists and other rich men and women
who feel it in their hearts to do good should re-
member, FIRST, that the white race of America has
in its possesion directly or indirectly the vast wealth
of nearly four million colored people's labors for 250
years of servitude. Second, that regardless of the
fact that occasionally a white person who is burdened
with wealth passes a few dollars to members of the
colored race, yet such donations do not touch even
the one-millionth part of what is due the colored race.
Third, that in spite of the untold millions due the col-
ored race for 250 years' UNREQUITTED toil and labor,
yet we appreciate the pittances and other liberal gifts.

JOSEPH P. EVANS, G. M., A. F. & A. M. OF Md.
[/column 1]

[column 2]
which we occasionally received, especially from North-
ern friends. FOURTH, but we would advise those who
donate large sums of money as a CONSCIENCE FUND
to read Lake XIV, verse 12 to 15, which says: "When
thou makest a dinner or supper, call not thy friends,
nor thy brethren, neither thy kinsmen, nor thy rich
neighbours; lest they also bid thee again, and a recom-
pence be made thee. But when thou makest a feast
call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. That
thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense
thee; for thou shall be recompensed at the resurrec-
tion of the just." We leave the future calculation to
a JUST GOD who will meet all of us at the Resurrec-
tion. But if our Bible be true, and every word of it is
TRUE, we would advise our rich men and women to
give as generously back part of the millions that are
due our downtrodden, oppressed and rejected race,
instead of piling it up on their kinsmen alone. Blessed
is he that considereth the poor ;the Lord will deliver
him in time of trouble. Remember that the Lord is
just. The first shall be the last, and the last the first.
Things will be reversed at the Resurrection if we
don't act right in this world. Therefore, we ask rich
men and women to remember your colored brethren
in your gifts, donations, bequests, wills. Send the
International UPLIFT League a check whenever you
can to assist them in their efforts to UPLIFT a race
made LOW by slavery.


RIGITS that Fairplay, Justice, Equity and
Peace may be made the criterion for those who govern
as well as those who are governed; give as our CIVIC
RIGHTS that our oppressed, despised and rejected
people may find a safe asylum in this Christian LAND.
and not be driven by mobs from one state to another;
give us our RIGHTS which will stimulate every one
to the most earnest endeavor for the slorions possibill-
ties of the future; sive us our RIGHTS that every
hand uplified to inflict our race with injury will be
restrained by the power of the Law; give us our
Federal RIGHTS that every colored man and woman
may feel safe and be a sovereign in his and her own
country though neither cares to wear a crown; pro-
tect us by the LAW that every colored boy and girl
may sing from their hearts, like the white boys and
girls, "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of lberty;"
protect us by the powerful hand of the Law until
anti-racial odium, ostracism and antipathy shall be
buried in the grave of shameless oblivion; until the
schemes of disfranchisement, the plottings of segrega-
tion, the humiliations of Jimcrowisms will be removed
forever; give as our RIGHTS until LYNCHING, that
foulest stigma and blackest monster which prates in
our land and so often besmirched the fair brow of this
beautiful Western queen, the United States of America,
will forever cease, thereby allowing our mighty Re-
public to stand out and shine among the Nations of
the earth like a star of the first magntinde, that we
may then become a worthy example to be emulated,
and the psalmist be fulfilled which says: Behold how
good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell to-
gether in UNITY; give us our Constitutional RIGHTS
so that it might be said of our great country: "The
path of the just is as a shining light that shineth more
and more unto the perfect day. Prov. IV, 18. In re-
plying to this Petition please address The General
Secretary of the International Uplift League, 1369
North Carey Street, or the Chairman of the Executive
Committee. 1425 McCulloh Street, Baltimore, Md.
Done by order of the Committee.



SEGREGATIGN IMPOSED 8. We do not wish segregation Imposed upon us by others. We need a new Emancipation from unjust Oppression. We wish to rise unencumbered with our white fellow-citizens to the high altitude which Nature seems to have chiselled out for the American Nation. Hence, we entreat those who will not help our cause to hold their peace and step aside and refrain from placing stumbling blocks in our pathway to success. Those who make it their duty to matien and estracise the colored race, we ask to remember Cardinal Oib- which we occasionally received, espectally from North. orn friends. FOURTHI, but we would advise those who donate large sums of meney as a CONSCIENCEFIND to read Lake KIV, verse 12 to 15, which says: When thou makest a dinner or supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thy Kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbours; lest they also bid thee again, and a recom- Dence be made thee But when thou makest a feast call the peor, the maimed, the lame, the hind. That thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee; for thou shall be recompensed at the resurree bon's words. He said: The history of this country tion of the justr We leave the fature calculation to has been one of constant nagging of the colored peo- a JUST GOD who will meet all of us at the Resurrec le. My appeal has always been, LET THE COI. tion. But if our Bible be true, and every word of it is ORED PEOPLEALONEP AMAEING PROGRESS OF THE COLORED RACE IN LESS THAN SO TEARS 9. (a) According to the CENSUS of 1010, the colored population in the United States numbered 9,827,763. of whom 40,339 were foreign born. We venture to say that 989 of the foreignborn colored people are English. The Hamitic Race in the United States owns and operates 833,370 FARMS which are valued at S1,141,792.526 or two hundred twenty eight miltions, TRUE. we would advise our rich men and women to sive as generously back part of the miltions that are due our downtrodden. oppressed and rejected race, instead of piling it up on their Kinsmen alone. Blessed is he that considereth the poor ;the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. Remember that the Lord is just. The first shall be the last, and the last the first. Things will be reversed at the Resurrection II we don't act right in this world. Therefore, we ask rich men and women to remember your colored brethren in your sifts, donations, bequests, wills. Send the three ffty-six thousand, five hundred and five pounds International PPLIFT League a check whenever you four shillings. (b) Church edinces numbered 34,506. can to assist them in their efforts to UPLIFT a race made LO by slavery. with seating capacity of 10,481,738, and vaiued at 556,636,159; communicants, 3,865,007; Sunday Schools, 34,681; scholars, 1,740,099; officers and teachers, 210. 148; parsonages, valued 83,727,-884; bishops, 27; ordained ministers, 18,000. In these colered churches, many of which are most spacious, none other but clergymen of the Hamitie Race officiate (Catholle excepted). (C) The race produces and operates 14 colleges, 12 academies, 60 high schools, 46 hospitals. several organization halls and Old Folks Homes, with a valuation of 83,925,328. In these colleges and high schools, college graduates of the race are employed as professors and teachers. (d) The number attend ing schools from 5 to 20 years of ase, 1,619,699. The race has 320 druggists, 1,200 physicians, 825 lawyers. 700 dentists and 500 nurses. (e) Banks 35, with an egregate capital stock of about 83,000,000. (A) Homes valued at 8250,000,000 or twenty-five million bounds. (s) Two daily and 322 weekly newspapers and 27 periodicals. (h) The National Baptist Publica- tion Society and the A. M. H. Church Publication So elety publish Sunday School literature for nearly three million religious adherents. Nearly nine years have passed since the above figures were collected LAST AND URGENT PLEA. II. Our PLEA Es GIVE USOUR CONSTTTUTIONAL RIGITS that Fairplay, Justice, Equity and Peace may be made the criterion for those who govern as well as those who are governed; give as our CIVIC RIGHTS that our oppressed, despised and rejected people may find a safe asylum in this Christian LAND. and not be driven by mobs from one state to another; sive us our RIGITS which will stimulate every one to the most earnest endeavor for the slorions possibill- ties of the future; sive us our RIGHTS that every hand aplified to inffict our race with injury will be restrained by the power of the Law; give us our Federal RIGHTS that every colored man and woman may feel safe and be a sovereign in his and her own country though neither cares to wear a crown; pro tect us by the LA that every colored boy and sirl may sing from their hearts, like the white boys and sirls. My country, tis of thee, sweet land of lberty; Protect us by the powerful hand of the Law until antiracial odium, ostracism and antipathy shall be buried in the grave of shameless oblivion; until the As the progress of the Hamitie Race advances by schemes of disfranchisement, the plottings of segrega- estimate to add 208s increase to the above data. forever; sive as our RIGHTS untl LYNCHING, that leaps and bounds, it would be a safe and conservative These figures reveal only a partial view of the won- derful procress the Ethiopian Race has made and is making under the Stars and Stripes. PHILANTHROPISTS 10. Philanthropists and other rich men and women who feel it in their hearts to do good should remember, FIRST, that the white race of America has tion, the humiliations of Iimerowisms will be removed foulest stigma and blackest monster which prates in our land and so often besmirched the fair brow of this heautiful Western gneen, the United States of Ameries. will forever cease, thereby allowing our mighty Re- mbile to stand out and shine among the Nations of the earth like a star of the first magntinde, that we may then become a worthy example to be emulated, and the psalmist be fulfilled which says: Behold how in its posseesion directly or indirectly the vast wealth good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell to of nearly four million colored people's labors for 250 gether in UNITY; give us our Constitutional RIGHTS years of servitude. Second, that regardless of the fact that occasionally a white person who is burdened with wealth passes a few dollars to members of the to that it might be said of our great country; The path of the just is as a shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. Prov. IV, 18. In re colored race. yet such donations do not touch even plying to this Petitien please address The General Third, that in spite of the uncold millions due the col- North Carey Streef, or the Chairman of the Executive the one millionth part of what is due the colored race. ored race for 250 years ENREGUITTED toil and labor. yet we apprectate the pittances and other liberal sifts Secretary of the International Uplift Leasue, 1369 Committee. 1425 McCulioh Street, Baltimore, Md Done by order of the Committee. MES. VEOLA GUIRRANT COLEMAN. Committee MsS. ADDIE LONO. JOSEPH P. EYANS, G. M. A. F. & A. M. of Md. REV. DR. JAMES A. BRISCOE. KET. DL. M. IV. D. NORMAN. REV. GEORCE F. BRACG, IR, D. D. KEV. ERNEST LYON, D:D, L.L. D. RT. REY. BISHOF IOHN HURST, D. D. WILIAMA. CKEDITT, A. M.D.D.