Scott *[Nov 30, 1914] [152A]
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power to alleviate such conditions. The negro race has borne shackles
and bondage long enough, and, we have proven ourselves capable and able
to qualify with any other race of mankind, if given a chance.
Segregation is not a benifit to any race of people, and par-
ticularly is it offensive to a Christian nation, and a man who claims to
be a son of God by the New Birth through the Redeening Power of Jesus
Christ, must by necessity go back to where he received his New Birth,
and there, he will find that "God so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten Son that whosoever beleiveth on Him might be saved." God is no
respecter of persons.
Senators and Congressmen who will present bills and try to
legislate against the laws of God is not a fit subject to represent his
May God give you the courage, Pres, Wilson, of your conviction
(if you believe it to be wrongl) to tear down the sereen of segregation as
"Jim Crowism" and let us mingle and co-mingle in a spirit of Patriotism
and as true born American Citizens let us join with our white brothers in
the spirit of Friendship, Love and Truth, in the spirit of Charity and
Benevolence, in the spirit of God, do unto others as you would they should
do unto you. I would to God I could pour out my hearts feeling that it
would inoculate you as I am inoculated. I trust that I have said sufficie
for you to understand me as is intended.
I should be glad to hear from you. No other President has
established such conditions, and you are too good a man to set up a prece-
dent which will be torn to pieces by the Republican Party in order to
gain and keep control of various public offices. They have already used
that as a pretext to muster the negro vote in this state, The negro vote
is a factor where he has the right of franchise in the south land as well
as in the north land and naturally the the negro is going to vote for the
party who befriends him, and the man who stands for richteousness will be
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