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Hon. W. W. --------No. 2

a former slave condition deepened race prejudice.

In view of this expression of public opinion by the citizens
of the Republic, as well as of the circumstance that no other racial
element is thus treated, and of the further circumstance that this
racial element have made indisputably manifest their feeling of hu-
miliation and of being greatly injured, we appeal to you at this
religious festival when magistrates have by time-honored custom re-
moved the chains, to order these segregation barriers removed for
ever-loyal American citizens, and the policy of segregation in gov-
ernmental labor discontinued.

We ask, Mr. President, an official response to this our earnest
Christmas petition.

Rev. Byron Gunner, President,
[Reverdy C.?] Ransom-National Organizer,
437 West 35th Street,
New York City, N. Y.


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