


Status: Complete


warded in Thrace and Macedonia.

Mr. Trumbitch, speaking for the Yugo-Slav Delegation
concerning Albania has, as Your Excellency well knows, spoken
in the strongest terms for the independent Albania recognised
by the London Conference of 1913, and of his confidence in
the Albanian nation to govern itself.

The Albanian Delegation is credibly informed that there
is a powerful sentiment in Italy against the policy pursued by
its government in Albania, and that if the government could
"save its face" it would be willing to withdraw.

The Delegation believes that the simplest and essiest
solution would be for all inverested parties to withdraw and
with the Great Powers themselves, recognize the absolute inde-
pendence of the Albanian State, letting her work out her own
destiny. But if the League of Nations deems it wiser to
bestow a mandate, or appoint a High Commissioner for a short
time, let it be through a nation having no direct interest in
the country. - America above all, but Sweden or Switzerland.

With proper boundaries and security from outside in-
terference, Albania would present no such problems as Armenia,
for exemple. Its population is unmixed, its resources are
ample, its location is strategic, and we believe that immedia-
tely the reconstruction of the nation would begin and that
in time full proof would be given of its ability to take a
worthy place among the nations.

Profoundly grateful for all your Excellency has done
to save the nation from extermination, we beg that you will
continue with the same courage and insistence, your demands


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