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4 August, 1919.

My dear Mr. McCulloch:

I have received and examined with the greatest
interest the proceedings of the Southern Sociological
Congress, to which you call my attention in your interst-
ing letter of the first of August, and note your suggestion
that a conference of the Governors of of the several States
be called to consider the very serious question of lynching
and race ricts. I hasten to apprise you that the regular
annual meeting of the Conference of Governors will occur
August 19th to 21st, at Salt Lake City, Utah, and I suggest
that the Southern Sociological Congress take steps to call
this matter formally to the attention of that conference.
I am sure they will regard it as of the utmost importancer.

Cordially and sincerely yours,

Mr. J. E. McCulloch,
Secretary, Southern Sociological Congress.
McLachlen Buildin, Washington, D.C.

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