Microfilm Reel 194, File 64, "Russia"

All the microfilm scans from the file number 64, "Russia," on reel 194 from the Executive Office files of the Woodrow Wilson Papers, series 4 in the Library of Congress finding aid.





March 22, 1915. Dear Mr. Tumulty: Will you please be so good as to advise me, in order that I may inform the Russian Embassy in Washington, on what date and at what hour it would be convenient for the President to receive Commander Mishtofft, Naval Attache of the Russian Embassy, and Lieutenant Fedotoff, Assistant Naval Attache of the Russian Embasey: It is the desire of these two officers to be received together.

Very truly yours,

Robert Lauselly

Tuesday, 30th at 1.45 PM Hon. Joseph P. Tumulty,


Secretary to the President,

The White House.


Last edit almost 4 years ago by kathyt42


LANSING, Hon. Robert, Wachington, D. C., March 25, 1915. Encloses letter from W. Bruce Macnamee, which he states was handed to him by the Russian Ambassador, requesting that Ivan Narodny be granted an audience with the President.

See Narodny.



Last edit over 3 years ago by kathyt42




April 12, 1915.

Memorandum for the President: Mr. Lansing of the State Department asks if they may have, for the files of the Department, a copy of the Presidents letter to the Enperor of Russia. Mr. Lansing also asked if the President had advised the Austrian Ambassador what had been done; and, if not, suggests that the Department might advise the Ambassador in the ordinary course and perhaps send him a copy of the Presidents letter to the Czar.

Ok – with regard to all these Suggestions

Phones Mr. L? Office & sent copy of letter 4/13/15 File


Last edit over 3 years ago by kathyt42


[64] Received May 11, 1916, 10:00 a.m. 1 PO JM 1590-1589 via com'l.

Stockhelm, May 10,1916. The President of the United States of Amorica, Mr. Woodrow Wilson, Washington.

Mr. President.

Knowing that you, Mr. President, are the most prominent defender of humanity and justice, we turn to you and through you to all supporters of humanity to let then know what our brethren in race and creed have to suffer through Russia’s fault. we likewise appeal through you, Mr. President, to the nations who to-day are allies of Russia, knowing that with their love for freedom and justice they too will realize that our sorrows are beyond description. We representatives of the subject races and religions comunities in Russia, we accuse the Russian Goverment before the entire civilized world and cry out help us and save us from destruction. We Finlanders accuse the Russian Goverment of having trampled upon our solemnly sworn constitution; through Russian lawesthat have no validity in Finland the rights of Finland are violated. The Russian authorities aim at the annihilation of our political autonomy, the destruction of our judicial system, at the thorough exclusion of our diet from public life. This programme is carried through logically step by step. The native languages are suppressed; the administration is gradually disorganized; loyal judges and officials are shut up in Russian Prisons or sent to Siberia. Such are the results of Russias breach of her word we Baltics have for many centuries been most loyal subjects to the Russian realm. In return so have been deprived of our constitution and of or


Last edit over 3 years ago by kathyt42


1 PO JM 1590-1589 via Coml

Sheet 2.

Stockholm, May 10,1916.

The President:

chartered rights. During the war the Russian armies have devastated our homesteads, plundering and destroying them by fire. Many of us were imprisoned on baseless suspicion like enemies, no trial being granted them; and many have been driven to misery. We Letts have for long time largely contributed to the Russian official world. Our fully developed educational system has been destroyed. A spirit of hostility and hatred towards other nationalities was artificially spread amongst our people; depravity was inevitable, in spite of the fact that we formed Lettish legions for the defense of Russia to-day a great part of the Lettish populations have been driven away from their farms to perish wretchedly in the interior parts of the country. We Lithunians have been deprived of our national independence; our Lithunian statues have been disregarded in spite of all promises; our Catholic churches vere forcibly handed over to the Orthedox clergy and the estates belonging to the church were confiscated. Every effort to spread education and enlightement has been prohibited; and the Lithunian language was to be exterminated. Every one in possession of a Lithunian prayerbook was imprisoned or sent to Siberia. A great part of the land was confiscated and given to Russian favorites or turned into crownlands. The Russian army has driven away, by force, a large portion of our population and devastated a country which was once a prosperous one. We Poles had to endure for centuries a physical and moral martyrdom; to violate our constitution and to destroy our political and national life have been the only aim of the Russian "sister" nation. The Goverment has not


Last edit over 3 years ago by kathyt42
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