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Moscow, to Crimea, to Vladivostock, to
Siberia, and with them they will take a
sermon by Spurgeon, or a tract by
Rader, or a treatise by Moody, or a
Bible by God. They will come to their
village, their town, and now that all
meeting restrictions are abolished, a
meeting will be arranged and they will
tell of their experiences, and give away
portions of those tracts as of little im-
portance, to their wives and to their
relatives; and I prophesy, as truly as I
stand here, that I expect Gospel fires
will be burning from one end of Russia
to another as a result of this war. I be-
live there are wonderful things in store.

Christian church history has never
yet been able to record such wonderful
revival pages, blazing with the power of
the Holy Ghost, as will be written within
the coming five or ten years, about the
revival in Russia. Why, the German
Reformation will be like a little move-
ment in comparison with the Russian
Reformation among 182 millions of peo-

The Best Missionary Board

Now, dear friends, we seem to have
noticed the footsteps of God in this
matter. We seem to have received (as
Peter on the housetop caught the vision
of a blanket let down from heaven) a
blue print from the office of the Al-
mighty Architect, as to what He wants
to do. If you want to do any efficious
work don't make your own plans, go to
the Mountain for them, and then put up
your Tabernacle acording to the pat-
tern on the mount. Develop your mis-
sionary efforts on the mountain of
prayer, through the revelation of God.

Now what is happening? I believe
there are some mighty movements in the
right direction. There is one very im-
portant factor which I should like to
mention, as to why I desire to call for
missionaries for Russia. We shall need
about 500 missionaries in a very short
time, to send to Russia, and then we
shall need another 500, and then another
500, until we have enough men to go
there to preach the Gospel.

Now just this one provision. When
you decide to go to Russia for mission-
ary work, do not wait upon missionary
boards to send you out. Do not wait for
the appointment of a certain fixed salary,
more than you get in this country. You
go. Are you a carpenter? Go as a car-
penter and build your houses, and preach
the Gospel. Are you a shoemaker?
Make American shoes and preach the
Gospel. Are you a baker? Go and bake
bread while learning the langugage, and
preach the Gospel. Go and work your
way through.

Just last week in Philadelphia, after
six months of school work in the Rus-
sian Bible Institute, we had a day of
fasting and prayer, and I was led to call
upon my students to give themselves
altogether to the Lord's work. Seventy
of them that day came forward and said,
"Yes, we now will go, and we are will-
ing to go any time."

Then I gave them my advice and said,
"Now, understand this. You must go on
the same basis as the early Christian
Church worked." Sometimes people are
waiting for a "call," or as a man came
to see me yesterday after the Hebrew
convention, said, "I am waiting for an
open door." Very often by that "open
door" a young missionary candidate un-
derstands the appointment by a mission-
ary board of a certain sum of money
each month and each year, and when
that is fixed, he says, "Now I can go."

That is one of the greatest troubles. I
asked my students, "Can you tell me,
please, under which missionary board
Peter, Paul, and John went out?
Can you tell me about the Treasurer's
report in the hands of the apostles?
How much salary was voted for Tim-
othy, or for Titus, for their missionary
enterprise? Nothing doing. The Lord
voted them out and they had the power
of the Holy Ghost instead of full pock-

So I told my men, "Go ahead, and
when you arrive in Russia, do not go to
a village like a man from a theological
seminary or from a school, who is on
the lookout for some 'call,' instead of
doing what the apostles did. Paul went
and made his tents and preached the
Gospel nights. Sometimes it is good to
do otherwise, of course, but I think a
man must prove to the Lord in some way.
Do not go with your Bible in front of
you, and say, 'Now, everybody come to-

[/column 1]

[column 2]

the building and put on the roof.' 'Milk
the cows, and go do it."

Don't say a word about your being a
missionary. Then when the night comes
and the people get together after their
day's work, and sit down at their eve-
ning meal, you also sit down, because
you are worthy of a piece of bread after
having worked so hard through the day.
Then after they have eaten their sup-
perl, and when they pull out their pipes
to smoke a bit of tomacco, you pull out
your pipe, the Bible, and let its fragrance
go up.

"These Bibles are the 'pipes' of the
students of the Russian Bible Institute.
Not a single Russian believer smokes.
Not a single Russian believer goes to
theaters. Not a single Russian believer,
as as is known, goes to moving pic-
tire shows or they are put out of the
church. The only picture show we be-
lieve in in Russia is to see sinners mov-
ing up to the front to confess their sins.
The church that does unknown word believe in
moving pictures out of the church sees
no moving pictures in the church.

"Wait until curiosity is awakened in
the villagers' hearts, and when they ask
you, 'What are you doing?' say, ;I am
reading, would you like to have me read
aloud? They are interested and prob-
ably the Lord will belss you and souls
will be saved, and you will be in such
demand to preach the Gospel that you
will have to give up making tents, and
then go to preach the Gospel alone, and
the Lord will take care of you.

[poem across columns 2 and 3]

Lois Johnson Erickson

I head a voice beside me low and sweet,
The voice of One with thorn-crowned head and pierced feet,
And from the turmoil of the raging years,
And from the pressure of my binding tears,
I heard His clear voice calling to me, "Come!"
Then I heard voices calling from afar,
Where sin and death and speechless anguish are
I heard the wail of those who strive in pain.
"My little ones they are," He murmured low,
And took my hand and whispered, "We will go."

[column 2, continued]

will have to give up making tents, and
then go to preach the Gospel alone, and
the Lord will take care of you."

There are some folks who preach
once or twice on Sunday, and walk with
their hands folded from Monday to Sat-
urday, with nothing to do but go to
some outside moving picture place, or
something like that, and call themselves
"ministers of Jesus Christ."

Before I came here tonight I prayed
with some of my friends that the Lord
would give us at least fifty missionaries
for Russia from this meeting. I tell
you, if you are a real soldier of Jesus
Christ don't be a coward. If you are a
soldier of Jesus Christ, be willing to go
to Russia and believe that He will keep
you alive; and go and learn the lan-
guage, and you will see what the Lord
will be able to do. If you trust Him He
will give you souls for your hire.

Now there is a very important reason
why we should hurry with the evangel-
ization. Through this revolution, a tre-
mendous open door for missions has
been made, and not only for missions,
but for all kinds of propaganda, and
among them materialism, and atheism.
Thousands and thousands of pamphlets
are being printed spreading infidelity.
The Russian people are religious people,
but if we allow the atheist to work
ahead of us, I am sure that many mil-
lions of the best religiously inclined
Russian people will be led to leave even
the faint belief which they have, and
become atheists, and that will be a tre-
mendous loss.

Now therefore, the time is come to
act, and in my closing remarks I desire
to show you what is being planned, and
what can be done.

Coming Conference

Last week was one of the most re-
markable weeks in Chicago. In the office
of Dr. Brooks, of the Chicago Tract
Society, last Tuesday, straight after my
arrival from Philadelphia, a number of
missionaries of various nationalities
gathered. The question was discussed as
to whether the time has not arrived
to call for the first general conference

[/column 2]

[column 3]

house the first Russian conference. I
saw the committee, and received a very
warm response, and the result of it all
is in this Manifesto. This paper will be
signed by a number of the most prom-
inent leaders in Christian work in this
country, and I want to read it to you,
as a historic occasion, this call to the
American people, signed only yesterday
and read here for the fist time.

Our evangelistic plan must not only
embrace the 182 millions of Russians,
but also 7 million Jews, 20 million Poles,
20 million Eurchranians, millions of
Mohammedans, besides thousands of
Montengrans, Bulgarians, Serbians and
other peoples.

Accordingly, the undersigned send out
this invitation to all who are stirred up
by the Spirit of God, to assemble for the
first general conference in behalf of the
evangelization of Russia, to be held at
the Moody Tabernacle.

The conference will begin with a spe-
cial prayer service on Monday evening.
June 24th, at 7:30, and will be con-
tinued as the Lord may direct. Among
the leading speakers, I trust, will be Rev.
A. C. Dixon, pastor of the Spurgeon
Tabernacle of London, and ex-pastor of
the Moody Church; Lord Wrightstock,
son of the English nobleman, who about
forty years ago was the first to preach
the Gospel in Petrograd, and through
whose efforts some of the present lead-
ers have come to my assistance in Phila-
delphia. I expect to bring twenty-
four to sing during the convention,
from the school at Philadelphia.

One evening during the conference
we expect to devote to the Russian people.
when we want to invite all the Russian
speaking persons of Chicago, perhaps a
thousand or two thousand strong, and
you are invited to come and bid them

The Greek Church priest came last
week into a prayer meeting after the
service, and we prayed together. That
is of the Lord. We also had a cup of
tea later, and fellowship.

One night during that meeting we
expect to have a Scandinavian meeting
in the interest of Russia.

At that confernce we desire to launch
a large evangelistic plan for Russia,
and a three million dollar religious lib-
erty fund, as a thanksgiving of the
American Christians for an open Gospel
door in Russia.

The Pattern on the Mount

Our plan for Russia is—first, in the
city of Moscow we want to get a large
tract of land, costing perhaps about
$250,000, there to put up an auditorium
for 5,000 people where we can preach
the Gospel. Why do we want a large
place in Moscow? Because there is not
a single building for evangelistic work
in the city of Moscow, which is not
very much smaller in size, than Chicago.
I believe it could be crowded full week
after week.

On the same site, near the auditoriuum
we want a grammar school for boys and
girls, and a high school or college for
older pupils, and a Bible Institute to
train preachers, colporteurs and evan-
gelists, large enough for a least two
thousand students, which ill be none
too large, considering that at the present
time there is not one single Bible school
in Russia from one end to the other.

Then I want to build an orphanage,
one big building, for about a thousand
orphan boys, and another building for
a thousand orphan girls; because,
so many hundreds of thousands of Rus-
sian fathers have been killed in the war,

[/column 3]

[column 4]

I want you to pray about this, and if
some of you have means to help, let me
tell you that for a hundred years, so
far as missions among white people are
concerned, you could not show me a
greater and more prospective oppor-
tunity than this.

To evangelize those people we are at
present training a hundred students in
Philadelphia, and I ask you to pray for
them. The Lord led me to Philadelphia
six months ago without a cent of money,
and the Lord has given us four build-
ings and a hundred students, and three
students we are sending to Wheaton
college. Now we need a fifth and sixth

Will you listen to the cry of Russia?
Will you hearken as her children weep?
They are hungry, but the fields are
They are thirsty and the well is deep.
Yea, and deep in sin their soul is sunken
Miry clay foundation for their feet.
Ages came and went, but no glad foot-
No one came whose heart would warmer
And they suffered 'til their chains grew
And they waited 'til their eyes grew dim,
When for life, in very death despairing,
Of a sudden they were told of Him.
Him who suffered long before, and for
Him who waited long for their return.

And as Russia's children heard their
Shepherd's story,
How they wept with joy, and hearts
within did burn,
And they clung to Him as loving child
to mother,
And again to suffer as they began.
Now, however, smiling in their exile,
And in chains they praised the Son of
Chains at last are broken, distant exile
By the cross are changed to Christian
And the Word is preached throughout
the mighty empire,
Both in peasant huts, and in princely
They are waiting, Russia's millions
Only a few are freed by Christ as yet.
Who will go, and who will help the
Hasten then, before the sun is set!

N. B.—Gifts for the Russian Bible
Institute, to be used in helping train
missionaries for work among the Rus-
sians, may be sent to the President of
the Institute, Pastor William Fetler,
1820 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa.


Mrs. Sarah D. Clarke, beloved by
many who were saved in Pacific Garden
Mission, was called Home January 29th,
and the funeral was held on Friday, aft-
ernoon, February 1st, from the Morgan
Park Congregational Church.

"This noble woman has left upon
Pacific Garden Mission—yes, and upon
the Christian world far and wide—the
stamp of her individuality and of her
self sacrificing life.

For thirty-five years she labored
incessantly among the outcast and down-
cast of Chicgo with the love shed
abroad in her heart which only the Holy
Spirit can give. During the early years
of the mission's history, her husband,
Colonel George R. Clarke, was with
her, and when he died she bravely took
up the burden where he laid it down,
and then, found in Brother Harry Mon-
roe, a wise and zealous co-worker. God
richly blessed their labors together until
about five years ago, when Mrs. Clarke
was laid aside with a broken hip after a
severe accident.

For over 6,000 successive nights she
attended the services in Pacific Garden
Mission without missing a night, and in
this period visited the county jail two
and three times a week, going from cell
to cell talking to the prisoners.

Hundreds of men and women date
their entrance into the new life from the
time when Mrs. Clarke with a few well-
chosen words induced them to take a
stand for Christ. Many have gone home
ahead of her. Truly "She hath done
what she could," and thousands will rise
up and call her blessed."

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