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Russian people harden against Germany.
We see this resentment crystallizing in
Russia's efforts to create a revolutionary
army and the hurried evacuation of mu-
nitions to depots beyond the Volga in
preparation for the expected resumption
of German attacks.

Above all, we feel that new revolution-
ary spririt demanding war against Ger-
many, which spirit is the direct result of
the growing conviction of the Russian
masses that Germany menaces the ex-
istence of free Russia. We realize that
the Russian debacle was a catastrophe to
the allies and that it prolonged the war.
This is ample reason for assisting Russia
to recover some of her lost prestige.

How Can the Allies Aid Russia?

How much the allies may expect of
Russia depends entirely upon two things:

First, how well we foster the spirit of
resentment against Germany, and,

Second, how efficiently and materially
we aid the soviet government in its ef-
fort to put Russia on a war basis.

The Russian situation, when one views
the possibilities it is likely to have and
the interest it will excite among the al-
lied peoples in the next months, is
such that I feel the necessity of outlin-
ing the conclusions drawn by the con-
trolling group representing the allies in
Russia from the teachings of the last
seven months of Russian history. Save
for insignificant exceptions, American
diplomatic and military representatives
indorse the main ideas expressed in the
series of cable dispatches that I am
sending to the Daily News, of which this
is the first.

Faults of the Kerensky Government.

Whe the American missions began co-
operating with Alexander Kerensky two
glaring faults were disclosed in the pro-
visional government.

First, that government was built on the
foundations of the old regime. This
meant that the new socialistic order was
trying to utilize the bars of bureau-

Second, the provisional government was
utterly unable to organize the country's
food supply. Although American inves-
tigation proved that Russia had sufficient
food to feed herself, the cumbersome

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routine of the autocracy proved too in-
elastic to meet the demands of the revo-
lution. Wherever Kerensky turned he
found hostility; whatever he tried to do
met with passive resistance, which was
as effective as active opposition.

Old Bureaucracy Fought Kerensky.

The allies' military and technical units
complained of lack of progress. A mem-
ber of the American railway mission said:
"We cannot help the Russians if they
will not help themselves." Kerensky's
government stirred up the inertia of the
old regime, but the machinery was slow-
ing down. The inability of the provi-
sional government to handle the food
situation was largely due to the rotten-
ness of the governmental mechanism,
and it furnished all of Kerensky's ene-
mies with a common target for attack.
Extensive co-operation was necessary,
but the corrupt bureauracy did not re-
spond to Kerenskys efforts.

Kerensky's Position was made more
difficult by the war speculators. The
American mission found the food prices
entirely disproportionate to the cost of
other commodities. Prices of manufac-
tured articles were inflated to ten or a
dozen times the normal prices, while the
price of food was arbitrarily decreed at
thrice its normal value. Result: The
peasants refused to exchange foodstuffs
for currency because of the distortion of
the normal relative values. They pre-
ferred to barter grain for absolutely
needed manufactured articles, hoarding
their surplus grain.

Shorn of Power by the Soviet.

If Kerensky had actually possessed the
power he might have oiled up the old ma-
chine and solved the food difficulty. But
Kerensky was without power. The soviet
had usurped it. Visible at every turn,
alternately leading and frustrating the
provisional government, was the soviet.
It was virile and active, although as yet
openly unobtrusive. The soviet's power
was the direct result of gigantic propa-
ganda that had already won over with
timeworn formulas large groups of sol-
diers and the peasant masses.

Whenever Kerensky's duma moved it
encountered the solid substance of the

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