Hunter Boyd Jr. to Jim Hugh Moffatt





Baltimore, March 12 Dear Jim - Your letter reached me this morning and I return the score card with all the data I could get, which is practically none. The "Sun" has no Sunday edition and the Monday edition of June 9, 1890, did not mention the game. The "Herald" also had nothing about it and the "American" of June 8 simply gave the runs, hits and errors. While I suppose they won't help you much

Last edit almost 2 years ago by fabuloki


still I enclose them in case you should want them. Baseball reports in all the Baltimore papers at that time were very meager - especially about college games. The circular letter came yesterday and I'm just about to begin to read the letter as I haven't had time (note this) before. I certainly was glad to hear from the fellows as Tommy and Taylor are the only ones I've heard from for a long time. I will send the letters on to you by the end of the week, at any rate. I haven't heard any startling Cumberland news lately. Occasionally I see a Cumberlander here - in fact every few days. Mary MC has been visiting here but has gone home. With the exception of three or four short trips to Annapolis and a day in Washington I've been leading and industrious, sober

Last edit almost 2 years ago by fabuloki


and single life. Let me know if I can do anything for you in regard to Score etc and I'm sorry I can't help you further this time. Can't you get the score of the Virginia /game\ at the U.G.O.? Yours sincerely Hunter B. P.S. My subscription to the Bark will have to be deferred to a later date, though I expect to take it. Thanks awfully for the opportunity. HB.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by fabuloki
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