John H. Brooks to James Hugh Moffatt



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J.H. Brooks, Powder and Oil. Also High Explosives. Traders Bank Building. Scranton, Pa., 10/3

Mr. Hugh Moffatt Dear Sir, I trust you will pardon my delay in answering your letter of Sept. 23rd. I have not the official score book and do not know exactly where it is but refer you to Mr. Clarence Bissell c/o Murphy Varnish Co. Newark. He was Manager in 94 & 95 and perhaps could tell you more than I. Just at present I am

Last edit over 2 years ago by fabuloki
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so busy I cannot take up in detail many faults, deserving of mention during my year as Capt. That was the Spring we broke away from Penn's. Very Truly J H. Brooks

Last edit over 2 years ago by fabuloki
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