E.C. Irvin, President
T.H. Conderman, Vice Prest.
Wm. Muir, 2nd Vice Prest.
Benj. T. Herkness, Secy.
M.G. Garrigues, Asst. Secy.
Insurance from Fire Association of Philadelphia Loss by Fire (F.A. 1817.)
J. Woods Brown
Special Agent,
Philadelphia, PA.
Phila, Apr 29 1901
Mr. J. H. Moffatt
My Dear Sir:
I am in receipt of your favor, in reference to a picture of Mr. C.W. Bird. I may have a picture of Mr. B., but unfortunately, it is in Milton, PA, where I formerly lived, and our house is closed, and I have no way of getting it, at this time. If you
can wait for several weeks, I can possibly get it, contingent on whether I have
it. I am sorry I can not secure it for you.
Yours very truly
J. Woods Brown
When I graduated from Princeton, I had
practically all the members of the class, and
I think Mr. Bird's is amongst the bunch.
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