E. Skinny Hulbert to James Hugh Moffatt





Scranton Pa. Aug 16th 1900

Dear Jimmy, Your letter came a few days ago, and deeply gratified I was to get it. By the same mail came a note from Prof. Willson saying that I am to be favored by Providence with that room at 8 North West. Now, busy man, could you brak [break] into the room and give me an idea of what is in it. I know it has to be replastered, repapered, recarpated, and so on. Perhaps Logan left some furniture in it. If you can let me know about the extent of my possessions I should be greatly obliged. This is not an answer to your volumious paroxys we will read that later when something has happened to me to write about. I should think dead turtles in August would get tolerably racy after the first week or so. I'm going to take my vacation next week; start out with a D+H mileage book, and a list a relatives and visit till one or the other gives out. Lots of nice female second cousins MMMMM!

Sincerely E. Skinny H.

Last edit over 2 years ago by shashathree
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