1873 Jan. 29
From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot
To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers
Referring to the matter of Cape Foulweather Light you are requested to telegraph the new for lighting as soon as possible: but do not light the station until you receive orders from the Board so to do.
The places for floor lights must be temporarily covered to exclude drafts.
Feb. 4
From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot
To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers
Your telegram of third instant is not understood
Feb. 12
From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot
To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers
Your letter of the 23rd January last asking authority to hire a Superintendent of Construction at $200 per month is received
The Board is of the opinion that for the very small number of Light Houses and new works in your District a Superintendent of Construction (assistant Engineer) is not required especially at the high salary you mention. Such a person could not be expected to Superintend in person each week and case of repair for ordinarily you have several in progress at the same time, and it is supposed that competent mechanics as overseers of works could be hired at $125 to $150 per month for each new construction, and that for your repairs one such would
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