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answer your purpose the general supervision of the works to continue in yourself without the necessity of a Superintendent of Construction.

However if you cannot get along without such an employee, the Board will forward your nomination to the Secretary of the Treasury with its approval, when you send the name of the person you desire for the position.

Feb. 13

From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot
To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers

Sixteen boxes in addition to three boxes glass for Foulweather lantern were shipped in March by Ocean Queen. Bills of lading were sent to Williamson. Michler has been directed to have Winship hunt them up and inform you. If necessary go to San Francisco yourself and inform Board of results.

Feb. 18

From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot
To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers

Were the bronze rabbets of the missing lantern posts received? Michler says the three boxes were lost.

Feb. 20

From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot
To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers

Missing parts lantern will be shipped in four weeks.

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