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3 revisions
Wjhoward at Feb 24, 2017 11:54 PM


1873 Mch. 5 [[Foulweather]] [[lantern|Lantern]] vault covers - sent. From [[Engineer]] Secretary Major [[G. H. Elliot]]. To Major H. M. Roberts Corps Engineers. Sir: I have to inform you that the following articles were shipped you at [[Portland]], [[Oregon]], per ateamer "Rising Star" on the 26th February , 1873, by Colonel J. C. [[Woodruff]] Light House [[Engineer]] 3rd District, viz: Fourteen (14) prismatic vault covers for the Cape [[Foulweather]] [[lantern|Lantern]] ________________________________ Mch. 6. From [[Engineer]] Secretary Major [[G. H. Elliot]]. To Major H. M. Roberts Corps Engineers. Sir: General [[Woodruff]] [[Engineer]] 3rd and 4th Light House District requests funds to the amount of $ 105: to pay for 14 prismatic vault covers for the Cape [[Foulweather]] [[lantern]]. As there are no funds in the Treasury available for this purpose, you are requested to deposit that amount to the credit of the Treasure of the United Sates from the amount in your hands belonging to the appropriation for Cape [[Foulweather]] lightstation. [[Oregon]] 1871-72 and to forward the original certificate of deposit to this office. ________________________________ Mch. 7. Mouth of [[Columbia]] River ??? ???: light houses fog signal location of sites From [[Engineer]] Secretary Major [[G. H. Elliot]]. To Major H. M. Roberts Corps Engineers. Sir: You are requested to confer with Captain [[Spotts]], the [[Inspector]] of the 12th and 13th Districts, either by correspondence or in person (at the site) as to the proper location of the small light -house and fog-signal at the mouth of the [[Columbia]] river, which you are to erect. Also in regarding to

1873 Mch. 5
Foulweather Lantern vault covers - sent.
From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot.
To Major H. M. Roberts Corps Engineers.
Sir: I have to inform you that the following articles were shipped you at Portland, Oregon, per ateamer "Rising Star" on the 26th February , 1873, by Colonel J. C. Woodruff Light House Engineer 3rd District, viz:
Fourteen (14) prismatic vault covers for the Cape Foulweather Lantern
Mch. 6.
From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot.
To Major H. M. Roberts Corps Engineers.
Sir: General Woodruff Engineer 3rd and 4th Light House District requests funds to the amount of $ 105: to pay for 14 prismatic vault covers for the Cape Foulweather lantern. As there are no funds in the Treasury available for this purpose, you are requested to deposit that amount to the credit of the Treasure of the United Sates from the amount in your hands belonging to the appropriation for Cape Foulweather lightstation. Oregon 1871-72 and to forward the original certificate of deposit to this office.

Mch. 7.
Mouth of Columbia River ??? ???: light houses fog signal location of sites
From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot.
To Major H. M. Roberts Corps Engineers.
Sir: You are requested to confer with Captain Spotts, the Inspector of the 12th and 13th Districts, either by correspondence or in person (at the site) as to the proper location of the small light -house and fog-signal at the mouth of the Columbia river, which you are to erect. Also in regarding to


1873 Mch. 5 Foulweather Lantern vault covers - sent. From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Roberts Corps Engineers. Sir: I have to inform you that the following articles were shipped you at Prtland, Oregon, per ateamer "Rising Star" on the 26th February , 1873, by Colonel J. C. Woodruff Light House Engineer 3rd District, viz: Fourteen (14) prismatic vault covers for the Cape Foulweather Lantern ________________________________ Mch. 6. From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Roberts Corps Engineers. Sir: General Woodruff Engineer 3rd and 4th Light House District requests funds to the amount of $ 105: to pay for 14 prismatic vault covers for the Cape Foulweather lantern. As there are no funds in the Treasury available for this purpose, you are requested to deposit that amount to the credit of the Treasure of the United Sates from the amount in your hands belonging to the appropriation for Cape Foulweather lightstation. Oregon 1871-72 and to forward the original certificate of deposit to this office. ________________________________ Mch. 7. Mouth of Columbia River ??? ???: light houses fog signal location of sites From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Roberts Corps Engineers. Sir: You are requested to confer with Captain Spotts, the Inspector of the 12th and 13th Districts, either by correspondence or in person (at the site) as to the proper location of the small light -house and fog-signal at the mouth of the Columbia river, which you are to erect. Also in regarding to

1873 Mch. 5
Foulweather Lantern vault covers - sent.
From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot.
To Major H. M. Roberts Corps Engineers.
Sir: I have to inform you that the following articles were shipped you at Prtland, Oregon, per ateamer "Rising Star" on the 26th February , 1873, by Colonel J. C. Woodruff Light House Engineer 3rd District, viz:
Fourteen (14) prismatic vault covers for the Cape Foulweather Lantern
Mch. 6.
From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot.
To Major H. M. Roberts Corps Engineers.
Sir: General Woodruff Engineer 3rd and 4th Light House District requests funds to the amount of $ 105: to pay for 14 prismatic vault covers for the Cape Foulweather lantern. As there are no funds in the Treasury available for this purpose, you are requested to deposit that amount to the credit of the Treasure of the United Sates from the amount in your hands belonging to the appropriation for Cape Foulweather lightstation. Oregon 1871-72 and to forward the original certificate of deposit to this office.

Mch. 7.
Mouth of Columbia River ??? ???: light houses fog signal location of sites
From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot.
To Major H. M. Roberts Corps Engineers.
Sir: You are requested to confer with Captain Spotts, the Inspector of the 12th and 13th Districts, either by correspondence or in person (at the site) as to the proper location of the small light -house and fog-signal at the mouth of the Columbia river, which you are to erect. Also in regarding to