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3 revisions | Wjhoward at Feb 24, 2017 11:55 PM 461873
abstract of the bids so obtained will be sent to the Board with your recommendation for awards. Before the boiler are accepted they must be tested by the [[United States Inspector of Boilers]] for your (U. S.) District, and his certificate as to their strength, Vc., must be obtained before payment is made on the contract.
The whistles, machinery Vc, have been ordered to be sent to you by the [[Engineer]] of the First District.
Apr. 7 Cape [[Foulweather]] [[lantern|Lantern]] freight
From [[Engineer]] Secretary Major [[G. H. Elliot]]
To Major [[H. M. Robert]] Corps Engineers
Sir: Referring to your communication of the fourteenth instant relative to the bill for freight on the sixteen (16) cases and sixteen (16) pieces castings of [[Foulweather]] [[lantern|Lantern]], you are requested to pay the amount as stated in your letter, viz: four hundred and seventeen dollars and twenty nine cents (417. 29/100)
It is presumed no damages can be obtained.
Apr. 7 Cape [[Foulweather]] [[lantern|Lantern]] freight
From [[Engineer]] Secretary Major [[G. H. Elliot]]
To Major [[H. M. Robert]] Corps Engineers
Sir: Herewith please find invoice of duplicates of the parts of Cape [[Foulweather]] [[lantern]], which were thrown overboard at sea. Major [[Michler]], [[Engineer]] of the Twelfth District has been directed to make such dispositions of the packages as you may request; the freight therefor to be paid by you from the appropriation for Cape [[Foulweather]] Light House
1873 __________________________________ Apr. 7 Cape Foulweather Lantern freight __________________________________ Apr. 7 Cape Foulweather Lantern freight 461873
abstract of the bids so obtained will be sent to the Board with your recommendation for awards. Before the boiler are accepted they must be tested by the United States Inspector of Boilers for your (U. S.) District, and his certificate as to their strength, Vc., must be obtained before payment is made on the contract.
The whistles, machinery Vc, have been ordered to be sent to you by the Engineer of the First District.
Apr. 7 Cape Foulweather Lantern freight
From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot
To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers
Sir: Referring to your communication of the fourteenth instant relative to the bill for freight on the sixteen (16) cases and sixteen (16) pieces castings of Foulweather Lantern, you are requested to pay the amount as stated in your letter, viz: four hundred and seventeen dollars and twenty nine cents (417. 29/100)
It is presumed no damages can be obtained.
Apr. 7 Cape Foulweather Lantern freight
From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot
To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers
Sir: Herewith please find invoice of duplicates of the parts of Cape Foulweather lantern, which were thrown overboard at sea. Major Mickler, Engineer of the Twelfth District has been directed to make such dispositions of the packages as you may request; the freight therefor to be paid by you from the appropriation for Cape Foulweather Light House
1873 __________________________________ Apr. 7 Cape Foulweather Lantern freight __________________________________ Apr. 7 Cape Foulweather Lantern freight |