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2 revisions
Wjhoward at Feb 25, 2017 12:05 AM


1873 Apl. 9. From [[Engineer]] Secretary Major [[G. H. Elliot]]. To Major [[H. M. Robert]]. Corps Engineers. Sir: There is required the sum of $803.58 to pay for duplicate parts of the Cape [[Foulweather]] [[lantern]]. If that amount can be spared from the appropriation, you will please deposit it at once and forward certificate of deposit to this office. _________________________________________________ Apl. 24. From [[Engineer]] Secretary Major [[G. H. Elliot]]. To Major [[H. M. Robert]]. Corps Engineers. Sir: In reply to your letter of the 9th instant, recommending that beacons be placed on Sand Island, and on "the rock" by the wreck of the ship "[[Silvie de Grace]]" at the mouth of the [[Columbia River]], you are informed that no funds can be expended this year for either purpose, but you are requested to present the matter in your annual estimates. _________________________________________________ Apl. 26. From [[Engineer]] Secretary Major [[G. H. Elliot]]. TO Major [[H. M. Robert]] Corps Engineers. Sir: Referring to your letter of the seventh instant relative to the location of a Light House and steam fog signal at the mouth of [[Columbia River]], I have to state that the views of yourself and Captain [[J. H. Spotts]], U.S.A. [[Inspector]], on this matter are approved, and that the exact site will not be fixed until you and he can visit the locality in person and select it with a view to its permanency on account of the encroachments of the sea, and the lateral range of the light. The Light House will be of a class called

1873 Apl. 9.

From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot.
To Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.

Sir: There is required the sum of $803.58 to pay for duplicate parts of the Cape Foulweather lantern. If that amount can be spared from the appropriation, you will please deposit it at once and forward certificate of deposit to this office.


Apl. 24.

From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot.
To Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.

Sir: In reply to your letter of the 9th instant, recommending that beacons be placed on Sand Island, and on "the rock" by the wreck of the ship "Silvie de Grace" at the mouth of the Columbia River, you are informed that no funds can be expended this year for either purpose, but you are requested to present the matter in your annual estimates.


Apl. 26.

From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot.
TO Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.

Sir: Referring to your letter of the seventh instant relative to the location of a Light House and steam fog signal at the mouth of Columbia River, I have to state that the views of yourself and Captain J. H. Spotts, U.S.A. Inspector, on this matter are approved, and that the exact site will not be fixed until you and he can visit the locality in person and select it with a view to its permanency on account of the encroachments of the sea, and the lateral range of the light.
The Light House will be of a class called