1870-73 Lighthouse Board Annual Reports

p-2 RG26E27 Lighthouse Board Annual Reports YB YH 1870 1871 1873




(SIDE BAR) Office of L.H. Engr.' 13" Dist- books &c, will be sent

1871 Mar. 16 From Engineer Secy Maj. G.H. Elliot To Maj. H.M. Robert Corps Engineers Sir: There is sent to you herewith for your information an extract from the proceedings of the last meeting of the Board, concerning the office of the Light House Engineer of the 13th District. A box containing books pamphlets, &c, will be sent to you as soon as you inform the Board where you will have it addressed. For Enclosure see Volume 5 page Board Journal.

(SIDE BAR) Telegram Mar 22 From Engineer Secy Maj. G. H. Elliot To Major H M Robert Corps Engineers Deed for Yaquina approved Go on with the construction of the Light House. Appropriation reverts on first of July. Letter by mail.

Mar 22 From Engineer Secy Major G.H.Elliot To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers Sir: Herewith you will find deed of Lester P. Baldwin and wife to the United States, and a copy of the opinion of the Attorney General in regard to the validity of the title. Colonel Williamson has this day been directed to turn over to you the amounts of the special ap-(propriations)

(SIDE BAR) Yaquina Bay-purchase of L.H. Site- rel.

Last edit over 7 years ago by gkazebier


(ap)propriations in his hands for the 13th District, and you will pay to Mr. Baldwin the consideration expressed in the deed getting the proper vouchers therefor have it recorded and return in to this office.

There is now no obstacle to the immediate construction of the Light House, the plans for which no doubt Col. Williamson has transferred to you. The lantern is now making at Portland, Maine, and will be sent to you at an early day.

Your attention is called to the fact that the appropriation will revert to the Treasury on the 1st July next, except so much of it as is covered by contract before that date, and if you find that you cannot complete it yourself by days works, you will make contracts before July 1st to cover the entire and finished structure.

Do you want a fog bell and apparatus for Yaquina?- If you do answer by telegraph and it will be sent to you.

Copy. Department of Justice. Washington, March 20, 1871.


I return herewith the papers received with your letter of the 10th inst. concerning the title to a piece of land fronting on Yaquina Bay and the Pacific Coast, in the State of Oregon, which it is proposed to purchase for the purpose

Last edit over 7 years ago by gkazebier



of a light-house site and have the honor to state that in my opinion the deed of conveyance from Lester P. Baldwin and wife to the United States, executed on the 11th of January last and offered for the acceptance of the government is sufficient to pass a valid title to the premises.

I am sir very respectfully Your obedient servant. (sig) A. T. Akerman. Attorney General.

Hon. Geo. S. Boatwell Secretary of the Treasury.

Mar.23. From Engineer Sec'y Maj. G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.

Sir: Gen. Woodruff has today been requested to send you by the first steamer a 5th order lens, fixed 240° for Yaquina Bay Light House.

(SIDE BAR) Telegram Mar.25 From Engineer Sec'y Major G. H. Elliot. To Col. R. S. Williamson Corps Engineers.

Foulweather appropriation made. Yaquina reverts.

Last edit over 6 years ago by jweinbender


(SID BAR) Telegram 1871. Apr 1. From Engineer Sec'y Maj. G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.

Adopt Colonel Williamson's plan of wooden house and tower combined at Yaquina.

(SIDE BAR) Telegram Apr 10. From Engineer Sec'y Major Geo. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.

Have new and correct deed executed and pay the money, if abstract or chain of title is the same in both cases.

(SIDE BAR) Yaquina deed for site al Apr. 11. From Engineer Sec'y Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.

Sir: In reply to your letter of the 1st April, I have to say that it will be better to get a new deed for the site at Yaquina than to correct the old one. The money can be paid without further reference to this office if the abstract of title on which the Attorney General formed his opinion does not require to be changed- that is, if the chain of title is the same for the correctly as for the erroneously described piece of land.

Last edit over 7 years ago by gkazebier


(SIDE BAR) Circular detailed estimates, plans etc. 1871 Apr. 11 From Naval Sec'y Rear Adml T. A. Jenkins for Chu. To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.

Sir: The practice does not seem to be uniform among the Engineers in regard to sending detailed estimates with the plans submitted by them.

You are requested in every case of sending the plans for approval to send the estimated cost with it on the form established by the Board, and of which fifty copies are sent herewith.

When each work is completed another paper should be sent showing the estimated and actual cost.

(SIDE BAR) Yaquina L.H. construction of- rel Apr. 18. From Naval Secretary Rear Adml. T. A. Jenkins. To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.

Sir: Your letter of the 10th instant is received, and you are authorized to return to San Francisco, as requested to make preparations for the construction of Yaquina Light House.

(SIDE BAR) Telegram May 9. From Engineer Sec'y Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.

What newspapers and how many times.

Last edit over 7 years ago by gkazebier
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 52 in total