1870-73 Lighthouse Board Annual Reports

p-2 RG26E27 Lighthouse Board Annual Reports YB YH 1870 1871 1873




1872 may be stated as "on or about". The form in regard to Cape Flattery will be forwarded at once giving the characteristic times of sound and interval.

July 12 From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers Sir: Please inform this office whether the lens and lantern have been received for Cape Foulweather Light House.

July 23 From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers Sir: Your letter of the 8th instant transmitting estimates for July 1872 is received. With a view of saving the General Appropriation for Repairs which always runs short at the end of the fiscal year, you will habitually (unless otherwise directed or unless there is some especial reason to the contrary, of which you will inform the Board) pay your office and other incidental expenses, from your Special Appropriations.

July 24 From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers Sir: A Coast Survey chart of Columbia River No.1 has been this day sent you for

On Side: Cape Foulweather L.H. lens lantern, &c-rel-receipt of Office & incidental expenses to be paid from Special Appropriations Chart of Columbia River Sgub.

Last edit over 7 years ago by gkazebier


1873 All errors or omissions in the last list should be corrected. The light House Lists corrected as herein required, should be mailed to arrive at this office on or before the 1st of December next.

Sept. 3 From engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers Sir: The Board desires that you will at once report in full the present condition of the Light House at Cape Foulweather and the appropriate time it will be lighted.

Sept. 8 From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers Sir: The extension of time, sixty day, recommended by your letter of the 21st August, to be granted to Charles F. Brown contractor for Light Keeper's dwelling at Cape Foulweather, Oregon is approved.

Sept. 17 From Naval Secretary Rear Adml. C.S. Boggs To Major H M Robert Corps Engineers Immediate repairs at Dungeness authorized

On Side Cape Foulweather L.H. condition Cape Foulweather L.H. keepers dwelling - extension of time on contract Telegram

Last edit over 7 years ago by gkazebier



Sept. 25

From Naval Secretary C. S. Boggs. To Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.

Sir: On your account current of disbursemints on account of general appropriations for the quarter ending June 30, 1872, you report a balance on hand of $458.55. You are requested to pay all outstanding bills incurred prior to July 1st 1872, to deposit any balance of those funds that may then remain in your hands and forward certificate of deposit and account of disbursements to this office as soon as practicable, thus closing all transactions with appropriations for the general service of the last fiscal year.

Oct. 18

From Naval Secretary Rear Adml. C. S. Boggs. To Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.

Sir: Enclosed herewith please find copies of letters from Colonel I. C. Woodruff, Engineer 3rd Light House District, relative to the lantern for Cape Foulweather, which is sent you for your information.


Office of Light House Engineer Third District. Tompkinsville, N.Y. October 17, 1872

Prof. Joseph Henry S. S. D. Chairman L.H. Board Washington, D.C.


In reply to the Board's letter of the 15th

Last edit over 6 years ago by jweinbender



inst. relative to the lantern for Cape Foulweather Light-station, Oregon, I beg to enclose in copy of a letter to Col. Williamson. Engr. 12th L. H. Dist., Enclosing bill of lading, for the lantern in question which was shipped to him for the Engineer of the 13th Dist., per steamer Ocean Queen in April last.

Very respectfully Your obdt. servant (sig.) I. C. Woodruff Engineer 3rd L. H. District.


April 1st, 1872

Col. R. S. Williamson, U.S.A. L. H. Engineer 12th Dist. San Francisco, Cal.


Enclosed please find bill of lading invoice of Sixteen (16) cases containing Lantern for Cape Foulweather Lh-sta., also sixteen (16) pieces casting part of lantern shipped to you for Major H. M. Roberts, L. H. Engineer 13th Dist., March 30th, per steamer "Ocean Queen". When received please send one receipt for this shipment.

Very Respectfully (signed) A. Mac Cafferty By order Genl. I. C. Woodruff Engr. 3rd Dist.

Last edit over 6 years ago by jweinbender



Nov. 8. From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.

Sir: Referring to your telegram of the 5th instant, I have to inform you that Major Michler, the Light House Engineer at San Francisco, has been directed to look for the Cape Foulweather lantern and report to you.

Nov. 9. From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.

Cape Disappointment Oil House approved Ediz Hook not approved.

Dec. 30. From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert. Corps Engineers.

Fix a date by telegraph on which Foulweather can certainly be lighted.


Jan. 2. From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Robert Corps Engineers.

Sir: I have to acknowledge your telegram of Dec. 21, ultimo, relating to the lighting of Foulweather Light, and to say that the notice to mariners will be made accordingly.

Last edit over 7 years ago by gkazebier
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