1870-73 Lighthouse Board Annual Reports

p-2 RG26E27 Lighthouse Board Annual Reports YB YH 1870 1871 1873




1873 Jan. 29 From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers

Sir: Referring to the matter of Cape Foulweather Light you are requested to telegraph the new for lighting as soon as possible: but do not light the station until you receive orders from the Board so to do.

The places for floor lights must be temporarily covered to exclude drafts.

Feb. 4 From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers

Your telegram of third instant is not understood

Feb. 12 From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers

Sir Your letter of the 23rd January last asking authority to hire a Superintendent of Construction at $200 per month is received

The Board is of the opinion that for the very small number of Light Houses and new works in your District a Superintendent of Construction (assistant Engineer) is not required especially at the high salary you mention. Such a person could not be expected to Superintend in person each week and case of repair for ordinarily you have several in progress at the same time, and it is supposed that competent mechanics as overseers of works could be hired at $125 to $150 per month for each new construction, and that for your repairs one such would

Last edit almost 8 years ago by yaquinalights



answer your purpose the general supervision of the works to continue in yourself without the necessity of a Superintendent of Construction.

However if you cannot get along without such an employee, the Board will forward your nomination to the Secretary of the Treasury with its approval, when you send the name of the person you desire for the position.

Feb. 13

From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers

Sixteen boxes in addition to three boxes glass for Foulweather lantern were shipped in March by Ocean Queen. Bills of lading were sent to Williamson. Michler has been directed to have Winship hunt them up and inform you. If necessary go to San Francisco yourself and inform Board of results.

Feb. 18

From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers

Were the bronze rabbets of the missing lantern posts received? Michler says the three boxes were lost.

Feb. 20

From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers

Missing parts lantern will be shipped in four weeks.

Last edit almost 8 years ago by yaquinalights


1873 Feb. 20 From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers Sir: Your telegram of the 19th instant relative to missing parts of Foulweather lantern ???, is received.

The Ames Manufacturing Company will make the missing parts at once, and they will be done in four weeks.

Feb. 26 From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers Tools to drill holes in lantern rafters. Foulweather, can be sent you, if not on hand. See drawings. Answer Parts will be bored here.

Feb. 27 From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers Sir: I have to inform you that I have this day directed George H Rhodes agent, Keystone Portable Forge Co., 40 Cortlandt Street, New York to send you at Portland, Oregon via Pacific Mail Steamship Company, a portable forge No. Two +2, with hood, and have also directed that the bill of lading and invoice of contents of the box or boxers be sent to you as above.

Feb. 27 From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers Sir: Referring further to the telegram of the Board dated February 26th instant, I have to

Last edit almost 8 years ago by yaquinalights


1873 say that the manufacturers have templates for the posts, so that they can get the sizes and positions of the holes in the lantern posts exactly, but this is not the case in regard to the rafters. The manufacturers state that a Scotch drill complete, with all necessary drills and tools (to do the drilling by any ordinary workman) can be packed with the lantern posts and rafters and will cost eighty (80) dollars.

If you should conclude on receipt of this to do so, you can telegraph to the Board in time to order them.

Feb. 28 From Engineer Secretary Major G.H. Elliot To Major H.M. Robert Corps Engineers Sir: You will please report to the Board, at your earliest convenience, your opinion of the necessity of a Light House at the mouth of the river Umpqua, on the coast of Oregon, the interests of commerce and navigation such Light House would subserve; the proposed height of the focal plane if a Light House is built: and the estimated cost of the work.

You will please report, also, whether a screw-pile Light House which can be removed, when the shifting of the site upon which it is erected requires it (such a one as is used in eastern harbors and bays) would not, in your opinion be suitable for such a locality.

Your full investigation and report are requested.

Last edit almost 8 years ago by yaquinalights


1873 Mch. 5 Foulweather Lantern vault covers - sent. From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Roberts Corps Engineers. Sir: I have to inform you that the following articles were shipped you at Portland, Oregon, per ateamer "Rising Star" on the 26th February , 1873, by Colonel J. C. Woodruff Light House Engineer 3rd District, viz: Fourteen (14) prismatic vault covers for the Cape Foulweather Lantern ________________________________ Mch. 6. From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Roberts Corps Engineers. Sir: General Woodruff Engineer 3rd and 4th Light House District requests funds to the amount of $ 105: to pay for 14 prismatic vault covers for the Cape Foulweather lantern. As there are no funds in the Treasury available for this purpose, you are requested to deposit that amount to the credit of the Treasure of the United Sates from the amount in your hands belonging to the appropriation for Cape Foulweather lightstation. Oregon 1871-72 and to forward the original certificate of deposit to this office. ________________________________

Mch. 7. Mouth of Columbia River ??? ???: light houses fog signal location of sites From Engineer Secretary Major G. H. Elliot. To Major H. M. Roberts Corps Engineers. Sir: You are requested to confer with Captain Spotts, the Inspector of the 12th and 13th Districts, either by correspondence or in person (at the site) as to the proper location of the small light -house and fog-signal at the mouth of the Columbia river, which you are to erect. Also in regarding to

Last edit almost 8 years ago by Wjhoward
Displaying pages 41 - 45 of 52 in total